This 2-3 toed animal has been exemplifying Clemente's mood when not working.
What is a sloth?
This person has been spending their free time catching Zs during the quarantine.
Who is Koli?
Always thinking about family and friends, this person will make sure to go visit them first thing once they quarantine is over.
Who is Ms. Karen?
Libra are peaceful, fair, and partnership is very important for them. This person is a great example of what this sign represents.
Who is Katherine?
If Marsha were an animal, she would be one of these high flying 'tweeters'.
What is a bird?
Who is Marsha?
Boasting fresh air, trees and grass. Going to a ___ is the first place Clemente plans to go.
What is a park?
This is the second most popular sign amongst the people in this room.
What is Sagittarius?
The song 'Hungry like a ___' is Koli's favorite quarantine jam as she identifies with this pack animal.
What is a wolf?
"Laugher is the best medicine" is definitely the motto for this person, who has been spending their free time watching comedies during their free time.
Who is Gise?
This person will take a leisurely stroll through nature during their first post quarantine outing.
Who is Koli?
Sagittarius is optimistic, enthusiastic, and possess a great sense of humor. These people not only sport those signs but exemplifies those traits. (2 people half points for 1)
Who are Gise and Karen?
Hear her roar! Shakina identifies as this powerful female hunter.
What is a lioness?
Currently the top answer (across both categories), doing this seems to be nearly everyones go to.
What is watching T.V.?
Wanting their first experience to involve sun, sand, and surf. This person will be traveling to the beach once quarantine is over.
Who is Marsha?
This PM is the only one in this room who can boast Virgo as their sign.
Who is Clemente?
Gise feels like prisoners aren't the only ones who can rock stripes. If she was an animal, she would be this black and white runner.
What is a zebra?
Watching In the Heat of the Night, an American police procedural crime drama, is a favorite guilty pleasure of this person.
Currently the top answer, most people here want to go to one of these when the coast is clear.
What is a restaurant?
This sign is currently shared by the most people in this meeting.
What is cancer?