She is the rival to McDonalds.
Who is Wendys?
We are the champions.
Who is Queen?
The name of the girl Simba likes.
Who is Nala?
What a Penquin eats ..............
How many of each animal did Moses take on the ark.
What is 0?
It was Noah not Moses.
Who's slogan is this
What is McDonalds?
Let it go, Let it go,_____________________
Can't hold it back anymore?
Where Buzz and Woody first meet the Alien Toys.
What is the claw?
Lives in a tree and eats bannanas.
What is a Monkey?
What goes up and never comes down.
What is your age?
Has a hat on the sign.
What is Arbys?
Strings on a guitar.
What is 6?
He gives Dudley a pig tail.
Who is Hagrid?
A pollanator that is not an insect also has a beak.
What is a Hummingbird?
How many times can you subtract 5 from 25.
What is once?
15-5 is not 25-5
Finish the saying "you can't out pizza-"
what is "the hut"?
I know you I walked with you________________
Once upon a dream?
The main villian in Moana.
Who is Te Ka?
A pet some people flush down the toilet.
What is a fish?
If you were in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove, a match, and a gas lamp. Which do you light first.
What is the match?
They sold burgers as a prank.
What is IHOP?
baby,baby,baby ooo, thought you'd_______________
Always be mine?
King candy before he became the king.
Who is Turbo?
Grey and a marsupial.
what is a Koala?
2 words that contain the most letters.
What is the post office?