Also known as hand-over-hand prompting
What is a Physical Prompt?
Most likely to be voted cutest Baby
Who is Jasen?
Teaching the last step in the chain first
What is backward chaining?
Carole F****n Baskin
What is Tiger King?
This hit song by Doja Cat inspired a series of TikTok dances
What is Say So?
Type of teaching style promoted by Behavior Reimagined
Most likely to cut their bangs during Quarantine
Who is Aysiah?
Appropriate behavior taught to replace function of inappropriate one
What is replacement behavior?
This new arrival to Netflix won critical acclaim as an animated children's series featuring adult themes and a one of the worst live action movie adaptations of all time.
What is Avatar the Last Airbender?
This former Presidential Candidate inspired a meme in early 2020
Who is Bernie Sanders?
When something is added to the environment after a behavior and increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future
What is Positive Reinforcement
Most likely to develop the most new skills while Quarantined
Who is Monique?
Repeating verbal statements
What is echolalia?
Monique loves this show
What is Grey's Anatomy?
This video game inspired a series of memes in April 2020
What is Animal Crossings?
This type of prompt is typically the least intrusive
What is verbal prompting?
Most likely to have the cutest pet
Who is everyone?
The breakdown of a complex skill into small easily learned steps
What is task analysis?
This shows name originated from cellular devices
What is Black Mirror?
This meme format has your plans v...
What is 2020?
Typically occurring before a behavior is emitted
What is antecedent?
Most likely the best person to be socially isolated with
Who is Lelyanne?
Discrete Trial Teaching consists of
What is Discriminative Stimulus, Prompt, Behavior, Consequence, & Data.
The current highest rated show on Netflix according to IMDb.
What is Stranger Things?
Named after an actress, this meme consists of a four photo format with the caption "Get you a woman who can do it all"
Who is Dolly Parton?