A Dividing Nation
The Civil War
Westward Expansion
The Industrial Revolution
Labor Movement
The Immigrant Experience
The Progressive Era
Progressivism Legislation

What was the primary issue that divided the North and South before the Civil War?



What event marked the official start of the Civil War in 1861?

The Battle of Fort Sumter


What were the "Black Codes"?

Laws passed in the South to restrict the freedom of African Americans after the Civil War.


What was the belief that the U.S. was destined to expand across the North American continent called?

Manifest Destiny


Who is known for inventing the electric light bulb ?

Thomas Edison


What was the three main goals of labor unions in the late 19th century?

Improve wages, improve working conditions, and short work hours


What were the two islands in San Francisco Bay and New York Harbor that became the main point of entry for immigrants to the U.S ?

Ellis Island and Angel Island


Who are "Muckrakers"?

Journalists who exposed corruption, poor working conditions, and social injustices in different industries


What was the name of Theodore Roosevelt's social reform program?

The Square Deal


What law passed in 1850 allowed Southern slave owners to capture escaped slaves in free states?

The Fugitive Slave Act


What was President Lincoln’s initial goal in the Civil War?

To preserve the Union


What did the 13th Amendment to the Constitution accomplish?

It abolished Slavery


What act passed in 1862 provided settlers with 160 acres of land in exchange for farming it for five years?

The Homestead Act


What is Social Darwinism?

The idea/belief that the best run businesses led by the most capable people will be successful


What was the name of the violent 1886 labor protest in Chicago, where a bomb was thrown into the crowd and led to the deaths of police and civilians?

The Haymarket Affair


What anti-immigration political party, was known for its opposition to Catholic immigrants and anytime one was asked about the party, they said "I don't know"?

The Know-Nothing Party


What book by Upton Sinclair exposed unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry?

The Jungle


What did the 19th Amendment, passed in 1920, achieve?

Women were granted the right to vote


What event in 1859 was an attempted slave revolt led by abolitionist John Brown?

John Brown's Raid


What famous speech did Abraham Lincoln give in 1863 that redefined the purpose of the war?

The Gettysburg Address


What organization was established to assist freed slaves with education, healthcare, and employment?

The Freedmen's Bureau


What is the term that means forcing a group of people to adopt the customs, language, and value of a dominant culture?  



What process revolutionized the production of steel by making it cheaper and more efficient?

The Bessemer Process


Who founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1886?

Samuel Gompers


What was the primary reason for the large influx of Chinese immigrants to the United States?

The California Gold Rush and the labor force for constructing the Transcontinental Railroad


What was one of the key goals of the Progressive Era?

To regulate big businesses, improve working conditions, and promote social reforms.


What did the 18th Amendment, passed in 1919, prohibit?

The manufacturing, selling, and consumption of Alcohol (Prohibition Movement)


What was the main goal of the Republican Party when it was formed in the 1850s?

To oppose the expansion of slavery into the new western territories


What document issued by Lincoln in 1863 declared slaves in Confederate states to be free?

The Emancipation Proclamation


What group used violence and intimidation to oppose Reconstruction and suppress African American rights?

The Ku Klux Klan


What was the purpose of the Transcontinental Railroad completed in 1869?

To connect the east coast to the west coast while improving transportation and commerce


What industry was the first to industrialize in the United States?

The textile industry


What major labor strike in 1894 was led by railway workers and disrupted railroad traffic nationwide?

The Pullman Strike

What legislation, passed in 1882, severely restricted Chinese immigration to the U.S.?

The Chinese Exclusion Act


What progressive reform, led by Jane Addams, aimed to improve the lives of immigrants and the urban poor by providing education, healthcare, and social services?

Hull House or Settlement Houses


What law passed in 1906 was a response to unsafe food and drug practices exposed by muckrakers?

The Pure Food and Drug Act


What was the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott case of 1857?

The court ruled that African Americans were not citizens and had no right to sue, and Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories.


What Union general led the “March to the Sea,” destroying infrastructure in the South?

General William Tecumseh Sherman


What ended the Reconstruction era in 1877?

The Compromise of 1877, which resulted in the withdrawal of federal troops from the South.


What was the result of the Dawes Act of 1887 on Native American lands?

It divided tribal lands into individual plots, undermining Native American communal landholding and culture.


What business tactic, used by John D. Rockefeller, involves controlling every aspect of production from raw materials to distribution?

Vertical Integration


What labor protest in 1892 at Andrew Carnegie's Homestead Steel Plant turned violent when Pinkerton agents and striking workers clashed, leading to deaths and a significant defeat for organized labor?

Homestead Strike


What term refers to the belief that native-born Americans should favor the interest over those of immigrants?


What was the religious root of progressivism that was based on the idea that social reform and Christianity go hand in hand?

The Social Gospel


What did the 16th Amendment, passed in 1913, establish?

The Federal Income Tax