RL 5.1 & RI 5.1
RL 5.3
RI 5.3
RL 5.4
RI 5.4

These are made by using background knowledge and text evidence to support a conclusion. 

What are inferences?


Any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work.

What are characters?


This type of text informs the reader about key events and important people from the past.

What is a historical text?


When you are word mapping to determine the meaning of an unknown word, you decompose the word. The beginning part of the word is called...

What is a prefix?


Lim-er-ick ('li-m?-rik, 'lim-rik) n. a humorous poem with a strict rhythm and rhyme scheme, named after an Irish city. Choose all the things the reader can learn from the glossary entry. 

A. an example of a limerick 

B. what kind of poetry is called a limerick 

C. this type of poetry was named for a real city 

D. there are two correct pronunciations of limerick

B, C, & D


These are words or phrases found in the text that help us answer questions. 

What are details?


The sequence of events that take place in a story or drama.

What is the plot?


This type of text informs the reader about different ideas and concepts in science. 

What is a scientific text? 


These are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult word. 

What are context clues? 


When you are word mapping to determine the meaning of an unknown word, you decompose the word. The last part of the word is called...

What is a suffix?


Read this thesaurus entry. 

safe adjective harmless, protected, reliable, secure 

Read the sentence. "The crossing guard kept us safe as we crossed the street."

 Which synonym of the word safe would best fit in this sentence? 

A. harmless B. protected  

C. reliable D. secure

B. protected


I am doing this when I state the author's exact words. 

What is quoting?


The place, time, and environment of a story or drama.

What is setting?


This type of text informs the reader about a specific topic. This text generally give directions on how to do something. 

What is a technical text?


This is the use of words that go beyond their literal meaning. 

What is figurative language?


Academic words and domain-specific words can be found in what type of text? Fiction or Nonfiction?

What is nonfiction?


"I'm so tired I could sleep for a month."

 What type of figurative language was used in the sentence? 

A. alliteration B. hyperbole 

 C. metaphor D. simile

B. hyperbole


Using quotes from specific parts of the text in order to support thoughts and ideas.
(Hint: 2 words)

What is text evidence?


Adjectives which describe a character based on his or her actions.

What are character traits?


The following are examples of this type of text: non-fiction science books, science magazines, research websites, newspapers. 

What is a scientific text? 


The attitude that the author uses to describe the subject or topic. 

What is tone?


What text features in a nonfiction text can help you determine the meaning of unknown words? 

What are the title, section headers, captions, bold words?


"I wanted to ride the bus home, but Joey made an alternate choice, and walked home instead."

 Based on its use in the sentence, what is the meaning of alternate? 

A. the best choice B. a different choice C. a worse choice D. the last choice

B. a different choice


Our job as readers is to _______ the character traits from what the character says, thinks, and does. Fill in the blank. 

What is infer?


Name three strategies you can use when determining the meaning of an unknown word. 

What are context clues, figurative language, and word mapping?

How can you use inferences to determine the meaning of an unknown word? 

What is use your background knowledge on the topic and read the words around the unknown word. Make an inference as to what the word means. 

Choose all the words that contain the Latin prefix post-, meaning "after."

 A. postcard B. postdate  C. poster 

D. postgame  E. posture

B. postdate

D. postgame


Mom bought candles, a cake, and balloons. What can you infer Mom may be doing?

Answers may vary.

Having a party. 


A place with many rooms and beds where people pay money to sleep, eat meals, or buy other services. 

Where am I?



A place with countless books. The people read quietly. You have to get permission to take books home for a few days.

Where am I?



Simile or Metaphor?

While in class, Jeff was as quiet as a mouse.



Where would I find the definition of a word?



Title Page



"The principal made a photocopy of the discipline form." What does photocopy mean?

A. copy machine B. picture made by a camera 

C. photosynthesis D. copy of printed or written material

D. copy of printed or written material