Making Inferences
Citing Evidence
Connotation and Denotation!

The person whose point of view influences the emotional meaning of a text. 

Who is the author?


The person who feels the mood of a piece of writing. 

Who is the reader?


What is an inference?

A conclusion based on evidence. 


The method we use to answer questions (hint: three part acronym). 

What is ACE (Answer, Cite, Explain)?


The dictionary definition of a word. 

What is denotation?


"I will not!" she shouted. "I will not be left at the mercy of our enemies while you slink away!"

The tone of these statements are...

What is angry? (Or a variant/alternate correct answer). 


How a reader is able to determine the mood of a story.

What is setting, word choice, or character feelings (etc)?


We can infer this if we hear thunder and see dark clouds. 

What is that it may start raining?


If I were answering the question: "Is Kayla a good student?", which of the following would be an important detail: 

A. Kayla is 13 years old. 

B. Kayla goes to a Catholic school. 

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.


The emotional meaning of a word. 

What is connotation?


Just when I thought things could not get more ridiculous, her little terrier, all dressed up in its knitted blue "winter outfit" poked its head out of the pink polka-dot doggy tote!

What is humorous or surprised?


Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face. The mood of this statement is...

What is joyful or happy?


The girl saved all her money. It was exactly what she wanted. She imagined gliding down the road pedaling effortlessly. She finally had enough money to make her dream come true. What was her dream?

To own a bicycle. 


If I were answering the question: "Why does Mark want to visit Mexico?", which is an important detail? 

A. Mark is a sophomore in high school. 

B. Mark studied Mexico in school last month. 

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.


Which word has a positive connotation?





It was the first football game for the gators. The coach asked if everyone was ready. The players jumped up and replied, "Yeah!"

The tone of these sentences is...

What is enthusiastic or excited?


"The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on."

-Charles Dickens

The mood of this sentence is...

What is calm or peaceful?


The bear ate lots of nuts and fish. Her fur got thick. She prepared her den. The leaves fell from the trees and the days turned colder. What was the bear getting ready to do?

Hibernate for winter. 


If I were answering the question: "How should a new student act on the first day of school at Burton?", which is an important detail? 

A. Burton is in Glendale, Arizona. 

B. Kids at Burton appreciate a person who is kind and friendly. 

C. You should have all of your information (phone number, address, etc.) ready when you come to register at Burton.

B. Kids at Burton appreciate a person who is kind and friendly.


Which word has a stronger connotation?





"Quit tapping your pencil!" shouted Mrs. Rey.

This statement portrays this kind of tone.

What is irritated or annoyed?


This is the kind of mood that might be evoked by a story that takes place in an empty hospital.

What is mysterious or frightening?


The girl sneezed. Her dad felt her forehead and took her temperature. She told him her throat hurt. He pulled the blankets over her. He told her to try to sleep while he called her teacher. Why did he call her teacher?

To tell the teacher that his daughter was sick. 


If I were answering the question: "Why does the author not like war?", which is an important detail? 

A. The author shares that he enjoys running. 

B. The author shares that he had a brother who went to war and was killed. 

C. The author shares that he wanted to join the military when he was young.

B. The author shares that he had a brother who went to war and was killed.


Which of these words has the most neutral connotation?



