Scientific Method
Energy Transfer
Earth's Weather Patterns
Water Cycle
Who Knows???
An example of _________________would be touching my hand to a warm coffee cup.
One of the main factors used to determine climate is temperature. For example, a tropical climate has generally warm temperatures throughout the year. What is the other main factor used to determine climate? -Humidity -Air pressure -Precipitation -Wind conditions
Which type of graph is a good way to show how data change over time?
Line Graph
What variable goes on the x axis of a graph?
Independent Variable
A testable idea, or a prediction to an idea is called the _________________________in the scientific method.
The ____________________ includes all of the invisible gases surrounding our Earth.
Visitors to Florida sometimes complain about the high humidity. What does high humidity indicate? A. A cool temperature B. A high pressure system C. An approaching cold front D. A high amount of water vapor in the air
D. A high amount of water vapor in the air.
What happens in the process of evaporation?
Water changes from droplets into vapor (gas)
In our penny lab at the beginning of the quarter, what was our dependent variable?
The number of drops we put on the penny.
What is the vocabulary term we use for evidence that comes in the form of numbers?
Empirical Evidence
_________________ is the energy that is transferred between objects that are at different temperatures.
The jet stream usually stays too far north to affect Florida's weather. What is the jet stream? A. The spinning of the air in the same direction as Earth's rotation B. The spinning of the air in the opposite direction of Earth's rotation C. The movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure D. A narrow band of strong winds that blow in the upper region of the atmosphere
D. A narrow band of strong winds that blow in the upper region of the atmosphere.
What large element of nature causes the water cycle to happen?
The sun
Name one pet in this classroom that experiences radiation and conduction in their cage.
Answers will vary
Scientists do many types of work. Their work often includes making field observations, conducting surveys, creating models, and carrying out experiments. Which description characterizes an experiment? A. observation of plants or animals in their natural environment B. collection of data from the unregulated world for comparative purposes C. physical or mathematical representation of an object or process D. an organized procedure to study something under controlled conditions
D. An organized procedure to study something under controlled conditions
How does convection happen?
When cold liquid or gas mix with warm liquid or gas and even out the temperature.
At different places on Earth, depending on elevation, air pressure varies. What causes air pressure? A. The force of gravity pushing down on air B. Density of nitrogen C. The sun's energy D. Earth's magnetic field
A. the force of gravity pushing down on air
What process of the water cycle happens in only very very cold locations?
What do we call the chart in which we record our measurements for an experiment to organize our info?
Data Table
Kenji must conduct a scientific investigation for a science project. Which step should Kenji complete first? A. Use appropriate tools to collect data, and then organize the data using tables and graphs. B. List the steps to be used for the procedure of the investigation. C. Develop a testable question based on research or prior knowledge. D. Analyze data, recognize any patterns, and make inferences based on those patterns.
C. Develop a testable question based on research or prior knowledge
Give one example of convection.
Answers will vary
What is the difference between weather and climate?
Climate = long term characteristics of a location based on temperature and precipitation. Weather = what is happening in a location during a particular time.
In what part of nature does transpiration occur?
Where will Mrs. Murphy be on Thursday, Friday and next Tuesday?
Chicago!!! Headed to a wedding, but I will miss you guys!!! <3