Central Idea
Author's Purpose

Mom made sandwiches and put

them into the basket, along with

some fruit and chips. Dad grabbed the big

checkered blanket and Robby got the

Frisbee. Then the whole family piled into

the car and headed out.

Mom made sandwiches and put

them into the basket, along with

some fruit and chips. Dad grabbed the big

checkered blanket and Robby got the

Frisbee. Then the whole family piled into

the car and headed out.

Where was the family


What makes you think so?



I love the color green. The leaves on a tree, the grass, and some bugs are green. Some peoples eyes are green and there is even green tea. There could be green carpet, hats, or mittens. There are lots of things that could be green. I sorta like green. No I kinda like green.

What is the central idea? 

The main character likes the color green. 


I know you are super busy, but can you

please help me with the math homework

today? You are so good at math, and I am

really having trouble. Plus if you help me today, I will

help you with your book report next week. Also, my

mom made these totally yummy cookies

today and we can have some while

we are working.



A painter realizes he is color blind. 

Situation Irony. 


I knew I had a great friend in Louis, but I never

anticipated that he would throw a surprise party

for me and invite my family as well.

What does the word "anticipated" mean? 



Edward was running as fast as he

could. He could hear Jacob's

footsteps close behind him. He tried to run

faster, but it was no use. Within seconds,

Jacob was by his side, and then ahead of him.

A moment later both boys collapsed under the

old oak tree in front of the school.

What were Edward and

Jacob doing?

Why do you think so?

They were racing. 


Exercise correctly to avoid injuries. Movements should be slow and controlled, not fast and jerky. A set of 12 repetitions of one exercise is enough to be effective. Exercising also helps you stay in shape and helps keep your heart and body healthy.

What is the central idea? 

To exercise correctly. 


People who wanted to travel from the

eastto settle in the west in the mid 1800s

traveled on the Oregon Trail in wagon trains.

The trail started in Iowa and Missouri and stretched

about 2,000 miles (3,220 km) to Oregon. Over 50,000

settlers made this long and dangerous journey. Not

everyone who started the journey

made it to Oregon. Many died from

illness, accidents, and bad weather.


Rob unpacked his backpack and started getting ready to do his homework. "Wonderful," he said. "I forgot my social studies book at school. That will really help me get this homework finished."

Verbal Irony 


Joseph explained that not completing their

commitment would be detrimental to the

company both financially and socially.

What does the word "detrimental" mean? 



Jake and Tim sat quietly next to

each other, each thinking his own

thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was

holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard,

he nearly dropped it.

“You got one!" exclaimed Tim excitedly.

“Reel him in slowly."

What are they doing? 



Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood

What is the central idea of the passage? 

Floods cause a lot of damage. 


"As it is now time for my son, the prince,

to marry, we shall hold a great contest to

find the strongest and bravest princess in all

the kingdom," announced the king.

Prince Harold sighed. He didn't care who won the

contest. He didn't want to get married.

He wanted to train unicorns.



The captain of a cruise ship gets seasick. 

Situational Irony 


All of the teachers favored Hannah because

she had an inquisitive mind and never

hesitated to ask questions about new

information learned.

What does the word "inquisitive" mean? 



Callie picked herself off the

pavement and checked herself over

for injuries. No blood, and nothing seemed to

be broken. Good thing she was wearing her

pads and helmet. She walked over to the

skateboard that was laying upside down a few

feet away, popped it right side-up with her

foot, and rode away.

Why was Callie on the pavement? 

How do we know? 

She fell off her skateboard. 

People often refer to taxes in terms of their being much too high. In reality, they are probably even higher than you think, because in addition to the federal income tax we are now studying, there are many other Federal, State, and local taxes, including sales taxes, inheritance taxes, state income taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and others. These are just some of the most obvious ones.

What is the central idea of this passage? 

We pay more taxes than we realize. 


Marsupials are a type of mammal. Female

marsupials have a pocket that they use for

carrying and protecting their babies. Most

marsupials, such as kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and

koalas live in Australia. The only marsupial native to

North America is the opossum.



In the movie, "Toy Story", the human characters don't know that the toys come to life when they are not there, but the audience does. 

Dramatic Irony 


Mrs. Adams explained to Kierra that if she

wanted to take Biology, she would have to do

things that others might find repulsive, like

dissecting a pig’s heart.

What does the word "repulsive" mean? 



Excerpt from Tarzan and the Golden Lion by Edgar Rice Burroughs: 

"Evidently, there was a disturbing quality

in the sound that Sabor heard,

something that inspired a certain

restlessness, if not actual apprehension,

though she could not be sure as yet that

it boded ill. It might be her great lord

returning, but it did not sound like the

movement of a lion, certainly not like a

lion dragging a heavy kill. She glanced

at her cub, breathing as she did so a

plaintive whine. There was always the

fear that some danger menaced him,

this last of her little family, but she, Sabor,

was there to defend him." 

What is Sabor? How do we know? 

A Female Lion


In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally, took ship and set out across the briny deep. Once aboard they transacted their affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters or conducting government business. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. But above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together in the most personal fashion people who are separated by thousands of miles.

What is the central idea of this passage? 

Where we once had to travel overseas we can now pick up a phone and call. 


The hunting, stalking, and killing of animals has been an American tradition since early man lived here. Today it exists as a sport. There is no longer an excuse or reason for stalking and killing an animal in his or her habitat. However, people continue to hunt animals today, and they feel they have every right to continue to do so. Animals need to be protected from this attack by humans.

What is the author's point of view? 

He does not agree with hunting. 


Jimmy tells his mom he is late getting home from school because he stayed to help the teacher organize the room. Jimmy's mom has already received a phone call from the school and knows he was late because he had detention. 

Dramatic Irony 


To make sure that they could go on vacation,

the kids knew they had to do everything

right. They were diligent in their chores and

studies and extremely helpful around the


What does the word "diligent" mean? 
