The Giver
Tell-Tale Heart


Describe the Assignment of Birthmother. What did Lily's parents say about it?

The Birthmothers had three children. They were not allowed to see the children. After the third child, the Birthmothers were given jobs as Laborers for the rest of their lives. The Assignment did not have much honor.


Spell the word that means: to withhold from circulation or expression



What is the difference between connotation and denotation?

Connotation is the feeling a word gives. Denotation is the word's dictionary definition.



Why does the narrator commit his crime? Why does he wait 8 days before taking action?

The narrator does not conclusively know the reason for committing his crime. He makes it clear that he did love the old man who had never wronged him. The only reason he provides is the following: "I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture -- a pale blue eye with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold." The narrator waits the 8 days because he could not kill the man while he slept as his eyes were closed. It was not until the 8th night and the eyes opened that the narrator committed his crime. The narrator states, "And this I did for seven long nights - every night just at midnight - but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye."


300 POINTS! 

What does the idiom "Bite the bullet!" mean?

Bite the bullet. - This means to face a difficult situation bravely.


What were the four qualities the Chief Elder said the Receiver of Memory must have?

They were intelligence, integrity, courage, and wisdom.


What is the definition of Erratic?

Erratic: (adj.) having no fixed course



Give me an example of a sentence in past perfect continuous tense. 

Subject + had + been + Verb(+ing) + Object


Is Poe's narrator an example of a reliable or an unreliable narrator?

Give evidence from the story to support your perspective.

Poe's narrator is not reliable. The reader knows this because the narrator's actions and thoughts suggest he is deranged or mentally unstable. The narrator is "haunted day and night" by his thoughts of killing a man whom he claims to love. This is not the description of a reliable narrator, but rather one whose sanity is called into question.



What is the formula for future continuous? Write me an example sentence. 

Subject + will be/shall be + verb(+ing) + Object

He will be driving a car.



What was happening when Jonas "saw beyond?" Why was it important?  

He was seeing the color red. It was the beginning of his ability to see colors.



What is the definition of metamorphic? What does the root mean? What does the word mean?

Metamorphic:(adj.) pertaining to or characterized by change of form, or metamorphosis

a. Greek Root: morph = form/shape


Is this sentence in active or passive voice? Why?

The bell is being chased by the cat.

Passive voice; In the passive voice, the action’s target, bell, is positioned first as the focus of the sentence. The sentence gets flipped, and the subject is now being acted upon by the verb. In other words, the subject is passive.


What do you think the narrator is really hearing at the end? What makes you think so?

The narrator hears "a low, dull, quick sound - much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton." He surmises that it is the old man's beating heart underneath the floorboards, and the policemen will discover his crimes. What the narrator most likely hears is his own heart beating as a result of the stress and paranoia he is feeling. As he becomes more frantic, the beating sound increases and grows louder.



Give me an example of an opinion supported by a fact about this image: 

Shrek is a good listener because he has 15 ears. 


How did Jonas help Gabriel get to sleep?

Jonas gave Gabriel a memory of sailing on a lake.


Use context to determine the meaning of this word: 

"I talked more quickly --more vehemently; but the noise steadily increased."

in a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling:



What is the difference between dashes and ellipses?

Dashes and ellipses are not interchangeable. The main distinction to note is that a dash indicates an abrupt stop or interruption, an emphatic pause, or a break in thought. An ellipsis, on the other hand, signals a brief pause, a wavering, or an omission.

REMEMBER: Ellipsis pause is temporary, a dash pause is permanent. 



What do the heart and the eye symbolize in the story? Explain with examples.

The eye of the old man in this story symbolizes evil for the narrator. The narrator says that “whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold,” and he often refers to it as an evil eye.

The heart in the story symbolizes the narrator’s guilt and conscience. Each beat of the heart is a reminder of what he has done to someone he claims to love and leads him to confessing his crime.



Give me an example of a hyperbole. Give me an example of a metaphor. Give me an example of personification.

Hyperbole: My backpack weighs a ton!

Metaphor: Life is a roller coaster with its ups and downs.

Personification: The flowers danced in the breeze.



How did the story end?

It began snowing and the ground became hilly. Jonas was forced to leave the bicycle and walk up the hill. When he reached the top, he was flooded with memories of joy. He found a sled at the top of the hill and used it to sled down the hill. On the way down he heard music and people singing.



Use context to determine the meaning of this word: 

"It was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye."

annoyed, frustrated, or worried


Please correct this sentence to have the correct punctuation. 

Everyone lived happily ever after or did they?

FOR DOUBLE POINTS! What rule is this an example of?

Everyone lived happily ever after... or did they?

DOUBLE POINTS: Ellipses; to create a pause for effect.



What kind of conflict is used in this story? Is it external or internal? Give evidence from the story to support your response.

The conflict in this story is both internal and external. The internal, person vs. self conflict occurs within the narrator over whether or not to kill the old man and whether or not to confess his crimes. When he hears the beating heart, he "[feels] that [he] must scream or die!” The external person vs. person conflict occurs between the narrator and the old man. The narrator sneaks into his room, attacks, and "drags him to the floor, and pulls the heavy bed over him."



Write me a sentence in active and passive voice using the same subject and topic. 

Active: He stole cash from the register.

Passive: Cash was stolen from the register.