Main Idea/ Author Purpose
Wild Card
Prefixes that mean not
What is A/an
Meaning of annotation
What is highlight key details from a text
definition of the main idea
What is the the main point an author's expresses in a piece of text?
Definition of tone
What is the attitude expressed in the writer's work or the underlining attitude of a text?
Definition of an inference
What is an educated guess based on textual evidence and prior experience?
Prefix that mean against
What is anti?
the most important sentence to annotate
What is a topic sentence?
4 types of purposes
What is persuade, inform, entertain, and explain?
Two characteristics of a persuasive text
What are convincing/persuasive tone, one- sided, clearly stated argument?
Step 1 making an inference
What is being inferred?
The prefix "be" mean
What is over?
Choose the irrelevant sentence. (I)Garfield is a comic strip featuring the cat Garfield, the pet dog Odie, and their socially inept owner Jon Arbuckle. (II) The main character is Garfield, who is a lazy, overweight, orange cat. (III) He considers himself to be more intelligent than humans or dogs. (IV) He was named Garfield after his grandfather. (V) He hates Mondays and loves lasagna apparently.
What is Sentence 4?
Which sentences is the stated main idea of the passage? The rules of conduct during an examination are clear. No books, calculators or papers are allowed in the test room. Proctors will not allow anyone with such items to take the test. Anyone caught cheating will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken. The incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of the test period, all materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a failing grade for this test.
What the first sentence?
Summarize the paragraph in 10 words or less. Doping is the use of drugs to try to improve sports performance. This practice is banned by sports federations throughout the world. Athletes need to know which substances are banned in sport. The use of drugs during athletic festivals is evident. Furthermore, they must make sure that any product or medication they take does not contain a prohibited substance.
What is doping is the use of drugs to help improve athlete's performance and has been banned in sports.
Make an inference about the title of this poem. Now you understand Just why my head's not bowed. I don't shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing It ought to make you proud. I say, It's in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need of my care, 'Cause I'm a woman A. Phenomenal Man B. Mother Dearest C. Phenomenal Woman 5. Silence of the Lamb
What is C?
Meaning of cata and one word that begin with cata
What is down and cataract, catastophe...?
Choose the irrelevant sentences.. With more than fifty feature films Alfred Hitchcock remains one of the most popular directors of all time. (II) Hitchcock's films draw heavily on both fear and fantasy. (III) He began directing in the United Kingdom. (IV) They often portray innocent people caught up in circumstances beyond their understanding. (V) The movie Rebecca, which evokes the fears of a young bride, is a good example of this.
What is Sentence 3?
Author's Purpose of Passage: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks support a wide diversity of animal species, reflecting the range in elevation, climate, and habitat variety there. Over 260 native vertebrate species are in the parks; numerous additional species may be present but have not been confirmed. Of the native vertebrates, five species are extirpated (or extinct), and over 150 are rare or uncommon. There have been some studies of invertebrates in the area, but there is not enough information to know how many species occur specifically in the parks. Many of the parks' caves contain invertebrates, some of which exist only in one cave and are known nowhere else in the world.
What is to inform?
Example of a positive/negative tone in a piece of text.
What is amicable,happy/ sad, gloomy?
Double Jeopardy: Name three inference statements.
What is I infer, Based on the text,
Meaning of the prefix of ante and arch and one word for each
What is before and chief, antecedent, archetype, archbishop?
Choose the relevant sentences: (I) Doping is the use of drugs to try to improve sports performance. (II) This practice is banned by sports federations throughout the world. (III) Athletes need to know which substances are banned in sport. (IV) The use of drugs during athletic festivals is evident. (V) Furthermore, they must make sure that any product or medication they take does not contain a prohibited substance.
What is 1, 2, 3, 5?
The Main idea of the passage: Recently, a $114 million bond was approved which will be used in the upcoming year to renovate existing schools and build new schools in the North Point school district. Additions will also be built onto the three high schools, three new elementary schools will be built, and a Career Center will also be constructed for high school students on the campus of North Point Community College. In addition, technology in the district will be brought up to date, teacher's will receive bonuses denied last year, and two new vice principals will be hired for Smithson Middle School and Harry P. Shulte Middle School. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the paragraph? A. North Point School District is going to be going through major changes in the upcoming year. B. North Point School District has received bond money to build new schools and update technology in the upcoming year. C. North Point School District is going to be going through changes which will take place in the spring of next year. D. North Point School District has received bond money which will be used to upgrade the entire school district in many ways this upcoming year.
What is B?
Three Inference statements.
What is I infer, Based on the text, I infer that...?
Steps 2, 3, 4 in making inferences.
What is make a connection between the text and what you know, what textual evidence supports the inference, and make an inference statement