Functions of Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs
Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences
Figurative Language
Making Inferences
After only a few hours, the auditorium where graduation was held was a total disaster. Identify the predicate noun in the sentence. A. hours B. graduation C. disaster D. total
What is C? disaster
Mount Magazine is the tallest mountain in the state of Arkansas and is the site of its newest state park. The sentence above is an example of a A.simple sentence. B.complex sentence. C.compound sentence. D.compound-complex sentence
What is C? compound sentence. Independent Clause, and Independent Clause
This morning, opportunity knocked on my door. This line contains an example of A. a simile. B. alliteration. C. a hyperbole. D. personification.
What is D? personification
4. It was hard to hear anything but the music. It was as loud as it could possibly be. The audience was shrieking with delight. You can infer this was _______. a. A movie theater b. An opera performance c. A Broadway show d. A rock concert
What is D? A rock concert
The Hare and the Tortoise The Hare was once bragging about his speed to the other animals. "I have never yet been beaten," said he, "when I run as fast as I can. No creature can beat me. The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge." "That is a good joke," said the Hare. "I could run circles around you the whole way.” “Don't brag until after you've won,” said the Tortoise. “Can we start? So they set a path for the race and drew a starting line in the dirt. As soon as the race started, the Hare darted almost out of sight, dashing ahead. But soon he stopped and, to show how confident he was of winning, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise just plodded on and plodded on, moving slowly but surely, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the finish line and could not run up in time to save the race. What is the theme of the selection? A. Treat others as you want to be treated B. Perseverance is more important than speed. C. Be careful in uncertain situations.
What is B? Perseverance is more important than speed.
I will give the group a tour of the new library annex. Which of the following is the direct object in the sentence above? C.tour D.annex
What is C? tour
Which sentence is a compound sentence? A. The entire football team went to the game in Centerville and the one in Mountainview as well. B. Shari and Charmaine rode to school together and talked with their friends at lunch. C.After the first day of school, you will feel right at home in your new grade. D. You run, and I’ll chase you.
What is D. You run, and I’ll chase you. IC, and IC
That joke was as funny as a barrel of monkeys. What literary device does the sentence contain? A. simile B. metaphor C. rhyme D. repetition
What is A? simile
Samuel bought a new canvas yesterday and placed it on his easel. He is looking over his paints to decide if he needs any other colors. His brushes and palette are sitting on a table in his studio. You can infer that Samuel is a ________. a. Photographer b. Graphic artist c. Painter d. Drawer
What is C? Painter
The Story of King Midas Long, long ago there lived a king named Midas who loved gold. Although he was a rich king, he always wanted more. One day, as he was walking in the forest, King Midas met a spirit who granted him one wish. Without thinking for a moment, he answered. His wish? That everything he touched would turn to gold. The wish came true, and Midas was ecstatic. Everything from stones to flowers turned into solid gold under his touch. When he got back to his palace, he went to embrace his daughter and tell her the good news. As soon as he touched her, however, she turned into a solid gold statue. Midas realized to his horror that he could make as much gold as he wanted, but it would never bring his daughter back. What is the theme of this selection? A. Greed will earn you what you want. B. You can't want what you don't have. C. Greed is a dangerous thing. D. You should always hope for more.
What is C? Greed is a dangerous thing.
Tia taught Tamera the fine art of cooking. Which word in the sentence above is the direct object? A. art B.Tamera C.Tia
What is A? art
When a car is purchased, the new owner should register it with the county in which he resides, and he should immediately insure it. What is the structure of the sentence above? A.a simple sentence B.a complex sentence C.a compound sentence D.a compound-complex sentence
What is D? a compound-complex sentence DC + IC +IC
America is a melting pot of cultures. The sentence uses A. simile B. metaphor. C. onomatopoeia D. idiom.
What is B? Metaphor
6. Jamal glanced at the clock on the mantle and smiled to himself. He had more than enough time to wash the dishes in the kitchen sink and read his book before Mom came home. He curled up in a comfortable armchair in the living room and promptly got lost in the story. He didn’t notice the passing of time until he heard a car door slam outside. He jerked around to look at the clock and realized he was in trouble. How did Steve get himself into trouble? a. By spending the day outside. b. By putting the book away. c. By doing the dishes. d. By not doing the dishes.
What is D? By not doing the dishes
The Dog and the Shadow A dog was crossing a bridge over a stream with a bone in his mouth. Looking down, he saw his shadow in the water and thought that it was another dog—a dog with a bone twice as big as his. He immediately dropped the bone in his mouth to attack the other dog and get the larger bone from him. It fell into the water and was lost. What is the theme of this selection? A. Do not lose trust in others. B. Do not take for granted what you have. C. Do not attack dogs who are bigger than you. D. Do not wish harm on others.
What is B? Do not take for granted what you have.
The park looks lovely at this time of year. KEY word: lovely In the sentence, the KEY word, lovely, is serving as which part of speech? A.adjective B.conjunction C.noun D.adverb
What is D? adverb
Which of the sentences below is the best example of a complex sentence? A.Although some people think bats are dangerous, they rarely attack humans. B.The cat knocked over the lamp; climbed the walls in a kind of frenzy and we always go to the vet on Saturdays, so we left immediately. C.My friend Ken, a talented drummer, plays with great skill. D.The birds flew to the birdhouse near the barn.
What is A. complex sentence Although some people think bats are dangerous, they rarely attack humans. DC, IC
In the fireplace, the burning wood hissed and crackled. What literary device does the sentence contain? A. simile B. metaphor. C. onomatopoeia D. idiom.
What is C? onomatopoeia
Mike hoped to get another letter from his friend Danny. Mike met Danny at a hockey tournament in Canada. Danny promised to send Mike pictures of his friends. It is fun to have a friend from another country. Mike wondered what Danny did in the summer. Did he play street hockey too? Mike hoped to see his friend again next season. 10. You know the boys are about the same age because: a. They met at a hockey tournament b. Went to the same school c. Are on the same team d. Like to play hockey
What is a? They met at a hockey tournament
The Father and His Sons ________________________________________ A father had a family of sons who were always fighting. He had no luck trying to stop their arguments with words, so he decided to teach them a lesson. He told his sons to bring him a bunch of sticks. He took the sticks and gave them to his eldest son and asked him to break them. The eldest son tried with all his strength but was not able to do it. The other sons tried and were also unsuccessful. The father then separated the sticks and put one into each son's hand. He asked his sons again to try and break the sticks. They broke them easily. The father said, "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be like these sticks together; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as a single stick." What is the theme of this selection? A. Brothers always fight. B. We are more broken as one. C. Individual sticks are weak. D. We are stronger as one.
What is D? We are stronger as one.
Which sentence is an example of the S-V-IO- DO pattern? A.Before breakfast on Monday, Stephanie fed her cats some dry food. B.One cat ate some of the food and then took a nap. C.That cat is white and gray while another is black. D.Later, the food will be eaten by the other cats.
What is A? A.Before breakfast on Monday, Stephanie fed her cats some dry food. S-Stephanie V-fed IO-cats DO-dry food
Which choice is an example of a compound complex sentence? A. If the team wins the game tonight, it will advance to the playoffs, and a state title is almost assured. B. The overflowing trashcan exhibited the remains of last night’s boiled crawfish dinner and its newspaper tablecloth. C. Two horses from McGruder’s Stables will compete in the next race but will not be entered in next week’s lineup since they require more rest. D. Prior to this long-awaited trip, Uncle Ned and Aunt Vernal had never visited Deadwater Springs, nor had they seen the world’s largest display of barbed wire.
What is A? If the team wins the game tonight, it will advance to the playoffs, and a state title is almost assured. DC, IC, and IC.
I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill. What literary device does the sentence contain? A. simile B. metaphor. C. onomatopoeia D. hyperbole
What is D? hyperbole
Rubin made a mental checklist: Laundry, yes. Bills, yes. Grocery shopping, no. Clean the house, no. Fix hallway light, no. Change the bed linens, no. Wrap presents, no. His parents were coming home tomorrow and he didn’t know how he would get everything done. a. Rubin is forgetful. b. Rubin is stressed. c. Rubin’s parents are picky. d. Rubin is preparing for Christmas.
What is B? Rubin is stressed.
The Lion in Love A Lion once fell in love with a beautiful maiden and proposed marriage to her parents. The old people did not know what to say. They did not like to give their daughter to the Lion, yet they did not wish to enrage the King of Beasts. At last the father said: "We feel highly honored by your Majesty's proposal, but you see our daughter is a tender young thing, and we fear that in the violence of your affection you might possibly do her some injury. Might I venture to suggest that your Majesty should have your claws removed, and your teeth extracted, then we would gladly consider your proposal again." The Lion was so much in love that he had his claws trimmed and his big teeth taken out. But when he came again to the parents of the young girl they simply laughed in his face, and teased him do his worst. What is the theme of this selection? A. Love can tame the wildest. B. Love conquers all. C. Love can boost your spirits. D. Love is a battlefield.
What is A? Love can tame the wildest.