"I put on for my city"
"We takin' over"
"Pop Off Round 1"
Restoring control of the government to the people, promoting social welfare, and correcting abuses of urban industrialism were all goals of THIS time period
What is the Progressive era?
The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker nations.
What is imperialism?
WWI (1914-1918) was caused because of THESE 5 reasons.
What is militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
During THIS time, African American writers and musicians were recognized for their contributions to the arts.
What is The Harlem Renaissance?
THIS president's ineffectiveness to solve economic problems caused many Americans to lose respect for him.
Who is President Hoover?
Jacob Riis, Frank Norris, Upton Sinclair, and Ida Tarbell were all WHAT?
What are muckrakers?
It was THIS president that advised America to "steer clear of permanent alliances" in 1796.
Who is President George Washington?
The alliances of the First Great war included the Allied Powers: France, Great Britain, and Russia AND... (Include the name of the alliance and its major players)
What is the Central Powers? -Germany -Austria-Hungary -Ottoman Empire
This political system often is associated with being negative. Under this system, the government has complete control. Its goal is to equalize wealth and power.
What is Communism?
THE period in American history characterized by little economic activity and high unemployment.
What is The Great Depression?
Alcohol was deeply ingrained into American culture, yet there were people against its use. It was THIS organization that pushed for the 18th amendment because they believed alcohol was destructive.
What is the Women's Christian Temperance Union?
THESE two ideas hint at the notion that Americans had the responsibility to civilize the barbaric and ignorant.
What is Manifest Destiny and the White Man's Burden?
During battle, soldiers and young kids were told to believe "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." THIS translates to...
What is "Tis sweet (and fitting) to die for one's country"?
It was THIS event that triggered much tension between fundamentalists and secularists.
What is the Scopes Trial?
Many states were affected by the Dust Bowl but THE 5 hit the hardest were...
What is Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico?
Booker T. Washington delivered THIS speech in 1895 and was highly criticized by the black community for being too accommodating to whites.
What is The Atlanta Compromise?
The Splendid Little War was triggered by many factors. THREE factors that caused the media to get involved, embarrass the president, and killed 260 Americans were... (Be careful-the order matters!)
What is Yellow Journalism, The De Lome Letter, and the Sinking of the Maine?
It was the sinking of THIS British liner by German U-Boats that caused 128 Americans to lose their lives.
What is The Lusitania?
THESE two men were determined to rid the country of communist subversion.
Who is Alexander Mitchell Palmer and Joseph McCarthy?
Relief, Recovery, Reform were the focal points of FDR's New Deal. Define each.
What is helping the poor, creating jobs, and putting measures in place to prevent another Depression?
THIS suffragist cast an illegal ballot in the election of 1872. She died before the passage of the 19th amendment in 1920.
Who is Susan B. Anthony?
THIS man coined the nickname "Splendid Little War" and established the policy where China would be able to trade freely with any nation.
Who is John Hay?
Agreements made during THIS event on June 28, 1919 triggered Germany to hold resentment towards the Allied Powers which contributed to the start of the Second War 20 years later.
What is The Treaty of Versailles?
Due to the fact that Americans yearned to live lavishly, they began engaging in THIS activity.
What is "Buying on Credit"?
After Black Tuesday and the despair it brought to thousands of Americans, THIS initiative was put into place that would recover lost funds if significant amounts of money was ever lost again.
What is the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)?