A line of hereditary rulers of a country is called
The warrior class in feudal Japan were called
Japan is an ________ nation. It is surrounded by water on ALL sides
This was the philosophy taught by Confucius
Both Japan and Europe built this kind of building which were built for defense against attackers. European ones had walls and moats while Japanese ones were built to be tall
This was the idea that gave Chinese dynasties the right to rule
The Mandate of Heaven
Most people in Feudal Japan were part of this class or rank
China had issues with Mongolian invaders from this direction
This religion originated in India and spread to Japan over time
Samurai followed this code which told them how they should act
This great Chinese invention allowed for easier navigation and allowed ships to sail much further from land
Samurai pledged their loyalty to a ________ which was like a European lord
This desert is the 6th largest desert in the world and is located in Northern China
This Japanese regent helped further buddhism and built 46 buddhist temples
Prince Shotoku
This event could be seen as a sign a dynasty had lost the mandate of heaven
Floods, Invasions, Natural Disasters, Corruption
This dynasty brought China into a golden age for over 400 years. Most people still consider themselves from this dynasty today
The Han dynasty
This rank in the feudal system held the most real power in Japan. Multiple Daimyos would pledge to serve this person
China has many rivers, but often these rivers would ________ which would wipe out villages and crops for Chinese farmers
This religion was native to Japan and is the reason you see Torii gates around Japan
Shinto / Shintoism
This was the main weapon of the samurai
Kublai Khan would copy Chinese government and create this dynasty after his grandfather died.
Yuan Dynasty
At the top of the feudal system was this rank or class. Often times it did not have as much power as the Shogun
This mountain has the highest point in all of Japan
Mt. Fuji
This religion emphasized a connection with nature and your inner feelings
This was the name of the first buddha, the man who founded Buddhism
Siddhartha Guatama