Be specific
Colons: Ta-da!
Clever Comma

Which sentence uses more precise language?

a) Sophia will be staying with her relatives for awhile.

b) Sophia will be staying with her aunt and uncle for two weeks.

What is B?


Where should the colon be added:

We are in charge of bringing the following items for our camping trip tents, sleeping bags, and firewood. 

What is after trip?


Where should the comma/commas be added:

Jane make sure to turn in your homework.

What is after Jane?


Either Grace or Claire will bring (her, their) skates.

What is HER?


Which sentence uses the most precise language?

a) My dad has been swamped with his real estate sales these past few months.

b) My dad is currently very busy with his work. 

c) My dad is an extremely busy real estate broker. 

What is A?


Where should the colon be added:

There are several students absent today Gracie, Lucy, Sydney, and Hattie.

What is after today?


Where should the comma/commas be added:

You should ask your mom if you can come to the carnival Nora.

What is after carnival?


When the team scored a touchdown, the crowd threw (its, their) hats in the air.

What is ITS?


Which sentence uses the most precise language?

a) She has a good personality which makes her very popular.

b) Her charismatic personality draws everyone to her.

c) She is a very popular girl among her peers. 

What is B?


Where should the colon be added:

There is only one thing that will satisfy my appetite pizza.

What is after appetite?


Where should the comma/commas be added:

You will be coming to the fundraiser won't you?

What is after fundraiser?


Each of the girls enjoyed (her, their) trip to the Art Institute

What is HER?


Which sentence uses the most precise language?

a) The player was hurt while playing in yesterday's football game.

b) The football player was injured during the intense game.

c) The quarterback suffered a concussion when he was sacked in the game.

What is C?


 Where should the colon be added:

There are two choices at this time run away or face the music.

What is after time?


Where should the comma/commas be added:

Jane you are eating lunch with me today right?

What is after Jane AND after today?


Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun:

Each of the boys on the team is wearing ____ new uniform

What is HIS?


Which sentence uses the most precise language?

a) There is bad weather supposed to be coming our way this weekend.

b) A bad thunderstorm is coming our way this weekend.

c) Thunderstorms are forecasted for this weekend.

What is C?


Where should the colon be added:

Everyone knew who would win the game The Steelers.

What is after game?


Where should the comma/commas be added:

Charlie you completed all of your literature group homework correct?

What is after Charlie AND after homework?


Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun.

The tiny chest and dresser still have ___ original hardware.

What is THEIR?