Text Structure

What does support mean?

Support: to assist or help


How is the character feeling in the sentence and why? (remember RED WING WORDS)

Avery stormed into her sister's room. "You took my necklace!" she screamed. 

angry, frustrated, furious


Which text structure is shown in the text below? Remember: Problem/Solution, Description, Compare/Contrast, Sequencing and Cause/Effect

How do chameleons change color? One kind of chameleon has skin that contains two layers of cells. These cells contain tiny crystals. When the crystals in the upper layer are close together, the chameleon looks blue. At other times, the crystals stretch apart, so the chameleon looks yellow or red.

Cause and Effect


Based on this text, what is most likely to be true?

Everything was new and exciting for Sandy. After playing catch with a little orange ball, she spent most of her morning chewing on her plastic toy. In the afternoon, she practiced sitting patiently when her owner gave her the hand sign. When she was a good listener, she got a delicious treat.

Sandy is a puppy


What is the main idea of this text?

Dogs and wolves are part of the same animal family. Both animals have strong senses of smell and are loyal to their packs. But dogs and wolves are quite different when it comes to people. Dogs are used to living with people and get along well with them. In fact, dogs have been called "man's best friend." Wolves, on the other hand, cannot live with humans. Wolves prefer to live in the wild, where they can hunt for their food. Clearly, dogs belong with people, while wolves do not.

Dogs are better suited to living with people than wolves are


What does summary mean?

Summary: to tell important parts or relevant details 


How is the character feeling in the sentence and why? (remember RED WING WORDS)

Jasmine dug through her desk drawer and found her old sunglasses. "So that's where those went," she said. 

careless, unorganized, sloppy


Which text structure is shown in the text below? Remember: Problem/Solution, Description, Compare/Contrast, Sequencing and Cause/Effect

In the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, two runners showed true Olympic spirit. It started when New Zealand runner Nikki Hamblin fell during a race. Next, American runner Abbey D'Agostino tripped over Hamblin and also fell. When D'Agostino got up, Hamblin was still down on the track. D'Agostino helped Hamblin up. The runners continued, but D'Agostino had badly hurt her knee. She stopped. Then, Hamblin helped D'Agostino, encouraging her to finish. Later, they received a special Olympic award for showing the spirit of the games.



Based on this text, what is the most likely to be true?

Roger walked slowly around the store, pausing to look at the glass figures on the table. He was admiring a small bird when he noticed the "Do Not Touch" sign. The shelves above him had several pottery bowls of all different sizes and colors. But next to the bowls was a "Keep Hands Off" sign.

Everything in the store is delicate


Identify the theme or lesson learned in the text below

Once upon a time, there was a war between the animals of the air and the animals of the land. The eagle would hunt and eat the rabbit. The owl was never safe from the fox.

The bat had wings like the flying animals, but it had teeth like the land animals. Unsure which side to join, the bat joined whichever side was winning. When the air animals were ahead, the bat fought along with the air animals. When the land animals won a battle, the bat joined them.

After many years, both sides decided to end the war. There was peace across the earth. But the animals could not forget what the bat had done. Both the air animals and the land animals felt tricked by the bat. They decided to drive the bat away.

And that is why the bat hides away during the day and goes out only at night.

People who aren't true to their friends will end up with no one 

Friendship, loyalty, be yourself


What does identify mean?

Identify: to figure something out


How is the character feeling in the sentence and why? (remember RED WING WORDS)

Leah shook her head forcefully. "No," she said. "Once again, you're completely wrong!"

upset, frustrated, angry


Which text structure is shown in the text below? Remember: Problem/Solution, Description, Compare/Contrast, Sequencing and Cause/Effect

Scientists are amazed that the Egyptians could build the pyramids using the technology of their day. For example, the stones needed for the Egyptians' pyramids were far away. They likely had to drag them over the sand using wooden sleds. But dry sand would move around too much. This would make pulling the sleds very hard. To move their sleds more easily, workers might have poured water on the sand. Workers also faced the challenge of lifting the stones. To solve it, workers probably built dirt hills and then pulled the stones up the hills to the top of the pyramid.

Problem and Solution


Based on the text, what is likely to be true?

Tom turned off his alarm, rolled out of bed, and sleepily got ready for school. He stumbled down to the kitchen, but no one else was there. Tom suddenly wondered, Wait, what day is it?

Tom was unaware of the day of the week 

He didn't realize it was the weekend


Author's Purpose: Persuade, Inform, Entertain

When the drums begin, Danny will leap to the center of the stage for his solo. Everyone else should form a circle around him. His friend start cheering for him and he feels the rush of excitement through his hands. He knows that he can do it. 



What does the word convey mean?

Convey: to tell or share a thought or idea


How is the character feeling in the sentence and why? (remember RED WING WORDS)

Jisela nodded quickly at the teacher and asked for more information. 

inquisitive, interested, curious


Which text structure is shown in the text below? Remember: Problem/Solution, Description, Compare/Contrast, Sequencing and Cause/Effect

Some types of fish have patterns on their bodies that look like eyes. These patterns are called eyespots. Eyespots help protect fish by confusing predators and sometimes even frightening them away. This gives fish time to get away before they get eaten. Many butterflies have eyespots, too. Butterflies use their eyespots to fool predators just as fish do. But unlike fish, many butterflies also use their eyespots to attract mates.

Compare and Contrast


Based on the text what is most likely to be true?

The street was lined with elegant stone buildings, some over a hundred years old. Only number 462 didn't fit in. It towered above the others, its mirror-like surface reflecting the sky.

The building is modern or fancy 


What is the main idea of this passage? Write a short response. 

Earth is much more welcoming to life than Mars is. Earth's thick atmosphere helps keep the planet warm, with an average temperature of 57°F. In addition, over two-thirds of Earth is covered by water. These conditions make it easy for all kinds of organisms to live here. Mars, on the other hand, has a thin atmosphere and is farther from the sun. Therefore, it is much colder. Mars's average temperature is about -60°F! In addition, the surface of the planet is mostly dry and dusty. Without enough water and warmth, most organisms would struggle to survive on Mars.

*teacher check*


What does reveal mean?

Reveal: to show or to make known


How is Devin feeling or displaying in the sentence and why? (remember RED WING WORDS)

Devin chuckled and snorted as he told the new boy, "That's a funny name." 

unfriendly, unkind


Which text structure is shown in the text below? Remember: Problem/Solution, Description, Compare/Contrast, Sequencing and Cause/Effect

The human brain weighs about three pounds (1.4 kg) and has three main parts. The largest part is the cerebrum. The cerebrum takes care of thinking, remembering, and moving other body parts. It lies toward the front and top of the head. The second part, the cerebellum, is behind and below the cerebrum. It helps with balance. The remaining section is the brain stem, which controls breathing and other automatic actions. You're usually not thinking about your heart beating or your lungs taking in air, but your brain stem makes all that happen.



Based on the text, what is likely to be true? 

Kayla loves to see her uncle when he comes home from work. What colors did he get on himself today? Kayla always wonders. Yesterday, his shirt was covered with streaks of purple, and his hair and face were dotted with orange and blue. The day before that his hands had specks of yellow.

Kayla's uncle is a painter


Write an extended response based on both texts: 

Text 1: Haroshi is a skateboarder and artist based in Tokyo, Japan. He taught himself how to do woodwork, and he is known for his large, colorful sculptures made from skateboard decks. Haroshi stacks the decks, carves them, and paints them. He has created sculptures of sneakers, cartoon characters, and animals.

Text 2: In the twelfth century, some Japanese artists put glass-like balls inside their sculptures of Buddha. Haroshi, an artist based in Tokyo, learned of this ancient practice. He wanted to use the same idea in his sculptures. So, Haroshi puts a broken skateboard piece in each of his sculptures.

*teacher checked*