The president of the Union during the Civil War
Who was Abraham Lincoln
Separated the seed from the usable part of cotton
What did the cotton gin do?
Ended slavery except for use as a punishment for crimes
What did the 13th amendment do?
Legally being allowed to have people separated by race
What is segregation?
The largest land purchase in US history and gave us control of the Mississippi river
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
Union General who led them to victory
Who was Ulysses S Grant?
Allowed people to travel up river and powered trains
What is the steam engine?
Made everyone born in the U.S. citizens and gave them full protection of the Constitution
What did the 14th amendment do?
Over hunting the buffalo
What caused issues for Native Americans?
a large amount of gold was found in California and drew a lot of people to move there
What was the California Gold Rush?
The Confederate General
Who was Robert E Lee?
He invented the telephone and revolutionized communications
What made Alexander Graham Bell important?
Gave all men the right to vote
What did the 15th amendment do?
Laws passed in the South that made it harder for formerly enslaved people to be treated fairly
What are Black Codes?
taking over a new territory
What does annexation mean?
The first battle of the Civil War
What was Fort Sumter?
Let farmers in the midwest plow through the sticky soil easier
What did the steel plow do?
The era after the Civil War that was focused on rebuilding and improving the country
What is Reconstruction?
Not being allowed to vote or own property by themselves
What are issues women were facing?
territory that was taken from Queen Liliuokalani
What is Hawaii?
Issued by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and freed slaves in the Confederate States
What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
Connected the east and west coasts and made travel and trade faster
What did the Transcontinental Railroad do?
Someone who fought for women's right to vote
What is a Suffragist?
the left over land that Native Americans were forced live on
What are Reservations?
territory that was bought from Russia for $7.2 million
What is Alaska?