This type of comparison uses "like" or "as" to show similarities between two different things.
What is a simile?
This literary term refers to the author's attitude toward the subject, expressed through word choice and style.
What is tone?
What is open to more than one interpretation; unclear or doubtful?
Determine the meaning of the underlined word using context clues: "After staying up all night studying, Jake was lethargic in class, struggling to keep his eyes open."
What is tired or lacking energy?
Langston Hughes, an African American poet of the Harlem Renaissance, wrote about the struggles and joys of Black life in America. His poetry often reflected themes of racial pride, identity, and the fight for equality.
How did Hughes' background influence his writing?
A) He wrote mostly about ancient mythology.
B) He focused on the experiences of African Americans.
C) He avoided discussing race in his work.
D) He only wrote about politics.
Answer: B) He focused on the experiences of African Americans.
"The wind whispered through the trees" is an example of this literary device, which gives human qualities to non-human things.
What is personification?
This literary term refers to the overall feeling or atmosphere a reader experiences while reading a text.
What is mood?
What is certain to happen; unavoidable?
Use context clues to define the underlined word: "The storm caused a catastrophe, destroying homes and leaving the town in ruins."
What is a disaster or terrible event?
Harper Lee, a white Southern woman, grew up in Alabama during the 1930s, a time of racial segregation. Her novel To Kill a Mockingbird explores themes of racism, justice, and moral growth.
What historical issue likely influenced To Kill a Mockingbird?
A) The American Revolution
B) The Civil Rights Movement and racial injustice
C) The rise of the Roman Empire
D) The Space Race
Answer: B) The Civil Rights Movement and racial injustice.
Identify the type of figurative language in this sentence: "The snow was a thick, white blanket covering the town."
What is a metaphor?
Read the following sentence and identify the mood: "The abandoned house stood in eerie silence, its broken windows like empty eyes watching the night."
What is a creepy or eerie mood?
What is showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise?
Based on context clues, what does the underlined word mean? "The little boy was timid, hiding behind his mother’s leg and speaking in a soft whisper."
What is shy or fearful?
George Orwell, a British writer, lived through World War II and saw governments use propaganda and strict control over citizens. His novel 1984 warns about the dangers of a government with too much power.
What message does Orwell communicate in 1984 based on his experiences?
A) Freedom and privacy must be protected.
B) Democracy is bad for society.
C) Technology will never affect people’s lives.
D) All governments are perfect.
Answer: A) Freedom and privacy must be protected.
This figure of speech uses extreme exaggeration for effect, as in "I’ve told you a million times!"
What is hyperbole?
Identify the mood created by this passage: "Laughter echoed through the park as children ran barefoot through the lush green grass, the golden sunlight warming their faces."
What is a joyful or cheerful mood?
What is an earlier event or action that serves as an example or guide for future situations?
Figure out the meaning of the underlined word: "The teacher’s directions were concise, getting straight to the point without any extra details."
What is brief or to the point?
Zora Neale Hurston was a Black woman from the South who wrote about African American culture. Her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God highlights strong female characters and the richness of Black traditions, language, and independence.
What influenced Hurston’s writing?
A) Her interest in European history
B) Her experiences as a Black woman in the South
C) Her career as a scientist
D) Her desire to write only about politics
Answer: B) Her experiences as a Black woman in the South.
This type of figurative language imitates natural sounds, as in "The bacon sizzled in the pan."
What is onomatopoeia?
Determine the tone of this sentence: "The politician's empty promises and blatant lies left the citizens feeling betrayed and hopeless."
What is a critical or disapproving tone?
What is to say something again or repeat for emphasis or clarity?
Determine the meaning of the underlined word: "Despite his previous failures, he remained tenacious, refusing to give up until he reached his goal."
What is persistent or determined?
John Steinbeck, an American author, lived during the Great Depression and saw how poverty and struggle affected working-class people. His novel The Grapes of Wrath follows a poor farming family forced to leave their home in search of work.
Which theme in Steinbeck’s writing reflects his background?
A) The struggles of the working class and economic hardship
B) The excitement of life in ancient Rome
C) The importance of space travel
D) The benefits of extreme wealth
Answer: A) The struggles of the working class and economic hardship.