This was what the Greek warship was called.
This was the upper class of Roman society who were wealthy and influential.
This was the Greek city-state that was the birthplace of democracy.
Answer is either U.S., another civilization, or both (and which?).
Direct Democracy
Famed writer of The Iliad and The Odyssey.
This is the geographical term for two bodies of land connected by a thin strip of land between them.
This was the poor class of Rome, who made up around 95% of the population.
This Greek city-state was known for its warlike people who chose violence over diplomacy and stealing over trade.
Answer is either U.S., another civilization, or both (and which?).
Representative Democracy
U.S. and Roman Republic
First dictator of Rome who was famously betrayed by the Senate and stabbed to death.
Julius Caesar
This person, almost always a woman, was viewed as a communicator between the gods and people; they lived in caves such as the famous one in Delphi.
This type of government was developed by the Romans, who borrowed it from the Athenians.
This was the city in north Africa that constantly fought the Romans in the Punic Wars.
Answer is either U.S., another civilization, or both (and which?).
Rule of Law
U.S. and Roman Republic
The first emperor of Rome.
Octavian, a.k.a. Augustus
This is the type of democracy Athens developed in which every adult male citizen had a vote.
DIRECT Democracy
This is the structure that carried water long distances throughout the Roman Empire, and many still exist today.
This was the empire of Darius I and Xerxes, rulers who repeatedly attempted to conquer Greece.
Answer is either U.S., another civilization, or both (and which?).
Civic Participation
Athens and the U.S.
A famous Greek philosopher who taught Alexander the Great and he categorized plants and animals.
This is the Greek word for city-state.
This was the period of 200 years of peace within the Roman Empire, following the reign of Augustus.
Pax Romana
This was where Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire after Rome began to fall.
Constantinople; now known as Istanbul, the capital of Turkey
Answer is either U.S., another civilization, or both (and which?).
Uses a senate in the government
Roman Republic and the U.S.