The singular subject Pronouns.
A noun that ends in o, os, e, es are typically _____________ Nouns.
Make the noun plural:
What are "los conejos"?
4 articles that mean the word "the".
What is El, la, los, and las.
Definite and indefinite articles need to agree with what two things on a noun?
What is gender and plurality?
The plural subject Pronouns.
What is Nosotros/as, Ellos, Ellas, ustedes?
Nouns that end in a, as, cion, dad, and tad, are usually ________________ nouns.
What is feminine?
Make the noun plural:
What are "las plumas"?
4 articles that mean "a" or "some".
What are un, una, unos, unas?
When speaking to an adult, What form of "you" do you use?
What is usted?
What is Nosotros/as
The article would I use for this noun:
What is El perro?
Make the noun plural:
What are "Los Tigres"?
A indefinite article that would be used for
Servilletas (f. pl)
What is Unas?
Changing a noun to its plural form.
If a noun ends in a Vowel, I _______ _______.
What is "add -s"?
The Subject Pronoun for "Bob"
The article I would use for:
What is Los?
Make the noun plural:
What are "los universidades"?
The definite article that would be used for
Amigos (m. pl)
What is "Los"?
Changing a noun to its plural form.
If a noun ends in a consonant, I _____ ______What is "add -es"?
The Subject Pronoun for "Sally y Isabel"
What is Ellas?
The article I would use for this noun:
What is la?
Make the noun plural:
What are "los Lapices"?
The indefinite article that would be used for:
What is Las?
If a noun ends in a z, I change the z to a _______ and add _________.