World War I
Interwar Racial Issues
Great Depression

Following World War I, the U.S. Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles and moved to a foreign policy of?

A. Containment

B. Isolationism 

C. Interventionism 

D. Collective Security 

B. Isolationism 


How did the Great Migration impact American society during the 1920's?

A. It contributed to an increase in organized crime.

B. It resulted in greater completion for jobs and housing in the North.

C. It led to the decreased enforcement of discriminatory laws in the South.

D. It created a fear of communist infiltration inside the federal government.



Which development contributed to the expansion of the suburbs in the United States in the 1920s?

A. the use of the automobile
B. the building of skyscrapers
C. the expansion of farm acreage
D. the increase in the immigrant population



The Great Depression was caused in part by?

A. Speculation and buying on margin in the stock market.

B. A lack of available consumer credit.

C. An uneventful distributing of New Deal benefits



During World War II, the U.S. government created a system to ration the distribution of certain resources such as petroleum.

How did this new system of regulation affect the distribution of resources in the United States?

A. It granted more privileges to wealthy business owners.
B. It provided more goods and services to the working class.
C. It limited the number of goods individuals could purchase.
D. It supplied members of the upper class better quality goods.



After World War I, President Woodrow Wilson played a role in shaping the Treaty of  Versailles. Despite President Wilson's efforts, the United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty.

Which concern led the U. S. Senate to reject the Treat of Versailles?

A. The treaty would be too forgiving on Germany following its defeat in the war.
B. The treaty would allow the League of Nations to develop its own powerful standing army.
C. The treaty would force the United States to surrender the territorial gains it made during the war.
D. The treaty would draw the United States into foreign entanglements through the League of Nations.

D. The Treaty would draw the U.S. into foreign entanglements through the League of Nations.

Following WWI, U.S. cities experienced competition for jobs and housing, which development was a result of this pattern of urban change?

  1. New Deal Legislation to create jobs to stimulate the economy.

  2. A population shift to rural areas for increased job opportunities

  3. Race riots fueled by intolerance and continuing African-American Migration

  4. The banning of women in the workplace so they could focus on the home



During the early 1900s, the movement for prohibition pushed legislators to enact social change throughout the United States.
Which social change was encouraged by the movement for prohibition in the United States?

A. outlawing of alcohol in the United States
B. integration of public facilities in the United States
C. limitations on foreign immigration to the United States
D. establishment of civil rights for minorities in the United States



Victory over this depression and over our other difficulties will be won  by the resolution of our people to fight their own battles in their own communities, by stimulating their ingenuity to solve their own problems….. This is not the easy way, but the American way.”

Hoover’s comments could be used to help support the thesis that he believed in what position?

  1. Economic hardship was exaggerated.

  2. Economic situation did not need correcting

  3. Direct aid for the needy should come from private sources

  4. Government programs to regulate the economy should be expanded.



Which factor most influenced the decision of the United States to move away from Isolationist polocies in World War II?    

A. the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
B. expansionist policies of Axis countries
C. spread of communism to Eastern Europe
D. violations of the Monroe Doctrine in Latin America



During WWI, Congress passes legislation making the following actions punishable by fines or imprisonment: "to willfully utter, write, print, or speak any disloyal or abusive about the form of government of the U.S, Congress, or military"

Which thesis about the rights of U.S. citizens would this legislation support?

A. The exercise of certain rights can be restricted during wartime.

B. Publication of materials in support of the war is illegal

C. Government can be legally criticized during war time

D. It is legal to restrict the right to vote during the war.

A. Exercise of certain rights can be restricted during war time.


One objective of the Immigration Act of 1924 was to reduce the number of immigrants entering the United States each year. This legislation reflects a pattern of intolerance that was present in the 1920s.

Which other development of the 1920s also reflects this pattern of intolerance?

A. the importation of liquor in violation of the Volstead Act
B. the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
C. the renewal of racial violence encouraged by the Ku Klux Klan
D. the growth of African-American arts in the Harlem Renaissance



During the 1920s, Harlem became the center of African-American culture. What was one effect of the Harlem Renaissance?

A. a rebirth of architectural styles from the late medieval and early modern eras
B. increased recognition of African-American art, literature, and music
C. elimination of Jim Crows in northern industrial cities
D. ratification of the 15th Amendment to protect voting rights of African Americans



President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal policies contributed to what pattern in 20th century U.S. history?
A. increasing numbers of immigrants

B. the rise of laissez-faire economic policies

C. the expanding role of the federal government

D. widespread persecution of suspected communists



The attack art Pearl Harbor caused changes is American domestic policies.
Which event was a consequence of the attack to Pearl Harbor?

A. The United States bombed Berlin in retaliation, causing Germany to declare war.
B. Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1939, which permitted British to buy U. S. weapons.
C. The United States government forced Japanese American to relocate to internment camps.
D. The Roosevelt administration created New Deal agencies to help prepare the country for war.



"It is in conflict with the right of our people to govern themselves free from all restraint, legal or more, of foreign powers...America must, not alone for the happiness of her own people but for the morale guidance and greater contentment of the world, be permitted to live her own life"

Which statement could this quote support?

A. The Senate was right to reject membership in the LN because U.S sovereingty (freedom) would have been harmed if they joined. 

B. The Senate was wrong to reject membership in the LN because this would have increased U.S influence in world 

C. The Senate was wrong to reject membership in the league because membership would have been key to the organizations success.

D. The Senate was right to reject membership in the LN because the LN was doomed to fail without American membership



Between 1919 and 1941, anti-immigrant sentiments had a significant impact on social trends in the United States.

Identify the general trends during this period that were related to these anti-immigrant sentiments.

A. Foreign-born workforce increased
B. Nativism became widespread
C. Immigration quotas were enacted
D. Religious tolerance increased
E. Many immigrants were accepted as citizens
F. Immigrants were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan

B, C, F


Select all of the factors the resulted from the invention of the auto-mobile

A. The U.S. government funded the construction of radio broadcast towers.
B. International airport construction projects reduced the cost of airline travel.
C. A post-war economic boom raised the standard of living in the United States.
D. Improved mass production techniques made manufactured goods more affordable.
E. The raw materials used in railroad construction became very expensive following World War I.

C and D


What are some of the unintended results of public work programs created during the New Deal?(Select 2)

  1. The economy improved as the stock market quickly recovered

  2. Protestor's demanded a social security program for older citizens

  3. Citizens became more dependent of federal government programs

  4. The role of the federal government greatly expanded greatly in American society 

  5. The United States became more dependent on agricultural imports to feed Americans.

3 and 4


Read the quote below, then answer the question that follows.
"American Negroes, involved as we are in the general issues of the conflict, are confronted not with a choice but with the challenge both to win democracy for ourselves at home and to help win the war for democracy the world over."
- A. Philip Randolph, "Why Should We March?," November 1942
What change in American society during World War II is reflected in the quote above? 

A. African Americans were barred from military service, but contributed to the war effort by working in factories on the home front. 
B. African Americans organized to end discrimination and segregation and contributed to the war effort.
C. African Americans refused to participate in military service in the war because the military remained segregated. 
D. African Americans only agreed to support the war effort when internment policies against Japanese Americans ended. 



Which of the following statements best describe why America was isolationist following WWI?

A. signing treaties addressing arms limitation

B. leading military intervention to stop German aggression

C. agreeing to a pact that outlawed war as an instrument of national policy

D. refusing to join the League of Nations

E. competing with European countries to establish overseas empires

F. supplying economic and military aid to countries fighting communism

A, C, D


Match the statement to the appropriate event:

A. Red Scare   B. Nativism   C. Race Riots

1. Over two million Jews immigrate to America from eastern Europe.

2. Women demand the right to vote

3. Bolshevik Revolution allows Communism come to Russia

D. Factory job openings motivate thousands of African Americans to move to the North.

A-3, B-1, C-4


What impact did Prohibition have on U.S. society during the 1920's-1930's?

A. led to the creation of African American cultural centers in major U.S. cities.

B. It led to increased Migration of workers and minors to northern states.

C. It led to the establishment of speakeasies and the rise of organized crime.

D. It led to an economic shift from agricultural production to industrial production 



Match the correct response to the following statements regarding the timeline of the Great Depression:

A. Excessive amounts of lending by banks

B. Stock market speculation and buying on margin

C. Overproduction of goods.

1. Stock prices fell and banks could not recoup loans

2. Factories closed and workers lost income

3. Constricting the money supply by the federal government.

A-3. B-1, C-2


During the 1930s, the U.S. attempted to remain isolationist while being pulled further into war amidst growing tension in Europe.
Which U.S. policies in this period reflect U.S. involvement in Europe?
Select all the correct answers.

A. Atlantic Charter
B. Cash-and-Carry
C. Monroe Doctrine
D. Destroyers-for-Bases
E. Lend-Lease
F. Roosevelt Corollary
G. Neutrality Acts

A, B, D, E