Newton's Laws
Circular Motion and Universal Gravitation

Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion, unless a(n) _______ force acts upon it.

What is unbalanced?


An object experiencing balanced forces will move with_______.

What is constant velocity?


The force that keeps things moving in a circle and is perpendicular to the velocity vector is...

What is centripetal force?


An object moving at a height above y=0 has these types of energies.

What is kinetic and gravitational potential energy?


A student carries a heavy bucket along a horizontal path while walking at a constant velocity. Does the student do work?

What is no? 

(Force from student is upward while displacement is horizontal)


An object acted upon by an unbalanced force will _____ in the direction of the force.

What is accelerate?


If a 3 kg object is pushed with 5 N of force leftwards, and there is 3 N of frictional force, the object will move with _______ m/s/s in ______ direction.

What is 0.66 m/s/s leftwards?


Name the force that provides the centripetal force acting on a 1000 kg car moving at 20 m/s in a radius of 10 m. Determine the amount of force.

What is force of friction? What is 40,000 N?


A 30.0-kg girl is on a rope swing. What is her kinetic energy if she has a speed of 2.5 m/s?

What is 94 J?


A teacher lifts a 0.65 kg textbook from one shelf to a second shelf 0.35 m above. What was the change in gravitational potential energy?

What is 2.22 J?


A baseball is hit by a baseball bat. The baseball accelerates forwards at a much bigger acceleration than the baseball bat does backwards. Which law(s) best describe why this occurs?

What is Newton's 2nd and Newton's 3rd laws?


If a person pushes on an object at an angle below the horizontal, the normal force is ___________ than the force of gravity.

What is greater than?


If the mass of an object doubled, how would the gravitational force between it and another object be affected?

What is double?


A marble has 115 J of kinetic energy at the bottom of a frictionless hill. The marble will have ______ J of gravitational energy when it reaches the top of the hill.

What is 115 J?


If 2.0 J of work is done in raising a 180-g apple, how far is it lifted?

What is 1.1 m?


Is it correct to say that when two people high-five, the force of one hand balances the force of the other hand?

What is no?

(Remember, balanced/unbalanced forces are for ONE object, equal and opposite is for TWO objects)


A rope pulls an object at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal with 100 N. The object is 75 N, and the normal force acting on the object is _____. 

What is 25 N?


If the distance between two objects' centers increased by 6, how would the gravitational force between the two objects be affected?

What is decrease by 36?


A spring of spring constant 150 N/m is compressed 0.13 m to the right by a 1kg object. The spring is then released and the object moves leftwards. What is the speed of the object when the spring is no longer compressed?

What is 1.59 m/s?


A cart is released down a non-frictionless ramp from rest. It has 0.79 J of total mechanical energy at the top of the ramp and has 0.73 J of total mechanical energy at the bottom of the ramp. If the system is defined as the cart-Earth system, was work done? If so, how much?

What is yes, and what is -0.06 J?


A student pushes a textbook and watches it slow down. Which law most accurately describe why this happens? If the floor was fricitonless, what would happen instead and which law best describes this?

What is Newton's 2nd law?

What is it would continue at a constant velocity until an outside, unbalanced force interacts with the text book? What is Newton's 1st law?


An object is 5 kg and moves at constant velocity. If the coefficient of friction is 0.75, how much is the force pushing the object?

What is 36.75 N?


The maximum speed of a 500 kg car driving on a U-Turn (radius 25 m) with a coefficient of friction of 0.6 is

What is 12.12 m/s?


A 0.55 kg cart is let go from rest on a ramp. The cart is initially 0.4 m above y=0. What objects must be included to make the system closed? How much kinetic energy is there when the cart is half way down the ramp? 

What is cart, Earth and ramp? What is 1.078 J?


How much work is done on a vacuum cleaner pulled 3.0 m by a force of 50.0 N at an angle of 30.0 degrees above the horizontal?

What is 130 J?