Molecules of Action
Gut Check
Credelio Quattro

Using an optimized dose of moxidectin allows Credelio Quattro to be 100% effective against heartworm disease from this many monthly doses. 

What is one?


The pathogen responsible for this disease can transmit from a tick to the host in as little as 3 hours 

What is ehrlichiosis? 


The most common signs of this parasite is "rice-like" worms in the feces

What are tapeworms? 


Elanco's parasiticide guarantee covers your hospital and clients for these four scenarios (and much more)  

What is whipworm infection, skin mites, ear mites, and palatability?


Credelio Quattro is safe for dogs and puppies of this age and this weight

What is 8 weeks and 3.3 lbs? 


An in"cred"ible member of the isoxazoline class 

What is lotilaner? 


Transmission of this intestinal parasite begins with ingestion of an infected flea during grooming

What are D. caninum tapeworms?


A single female can lay over 100,000 eggs per day, making these one of the most common intestinal parasites - Almost all puppies are born with them

What are roundworms?


Credelio Quattro was given at 1x, 3x, and 5x the label dose for 9 months. This was the number of dogs that did not complete the study because of serious adverse events.

What is 0?


Credelio Quattro is to be given within 30 minutes of this

What is food? 


Can be found in droncit, drontal, Interceptor plus and Credelio Quattro - Responsible for getting rid of tapeworms 

What is Praziquantel?


Symptoms of this disease are persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, weight loss, and even heart failure

What is heartworm disease? 


During a national dog park study, 288 parks were sampled across 33 major cities. This percent of dog parks had positive samples of at least one intestinal parasite

What is 85?


In safety studies, Credelio Quattro was shown to be safe and well tolerated in these two specific cases 

What is heartworm-positive dogs and avermectin-sensitive collie dogs (up to 5x labeled dose)?


Credelio Quattro was accepted by this percent of dogs

What is 86% (nearly 9 out of 10 dogs)?


This active ingredient in Credelio Quattro is responsible for the prevention of heartworm disease

What is moxidectin?


95% of infestation of this ectoparasite is made up of pupae, larvae, and eggs that can hide in carpets, under furniture, and on animal bedding. 

What are fleas?


Infection of this intestinal parasite can result in cutaneous larva migrans in humans

What are hookworms? 


Credelio Quattro has the same active ingredient dose as this well-trusted flea and tick product currently on the market

What is Credelio?


This is the flavor of Credelio Quattro

What is beef flavored (meat allergen-free)? 

Pyrantel, found in Credelio Quattro, is used for the treatment and control of these two worms

What is roundworm and hookworm? 


In 2023, 1 in 20 dogs in the United States tested positive for this tick-borne disease. It can cause lameness, joint pain, fever, and fever.



The ENTIRE adult worm of this tapeworm species is 1/10th the size of a single dipylidium and taenia proglottid

What is Echinococcus?


This once a month, beef-flavored tablet is the first 6-in-1 endectocide

What is Credelio Quattro?

Credelio Quattro is the first and only endectocide that covers this parasite

What are tapeworms?