what's A Famous Lighthouse?
Peggy Cove
what are the color in the Canadian flag?
Red And white
name the Lacrosse Team?
name a Blackpink Singer?
What is the Famous Hall in Halifax?
Citadel Hill
what the symbol on canadian flag?
Maple leaf
what is the famous hockey team for Montreal
Montreal Canadien aka The Habs
what is a taylor swift song that we know also Breanna and Patrick Favorite song to sing to one and other
Love Story
name another ed sheeran song?
what is a famous food in Nova scotia?
what is the Canada's Police with red uniform called?
what sport you use a ball to kick in?
name a alan doyle song
Name a Backstreet Boy song
I Want That A Way
What's is the Airport in Nova scotia?
Halifax Stanfield
What is Canadian's pop?
Canada dry ale
what insect after a swimming move?
butterfly stroke
name a song by the great big sea?
name a pop song by dua lipa
love again
what is the famous rotary?
Armdale Rotary
name a canadian animal that on a nickel?
when was hockey take place?
name a slow romance song by ed Sheeran
Name A song by one direction
Story Of My Life