Do The Math
More Definitions
Force, Motion, Friction
True OR False

____________ is described in terms of distance, time, speed, velocity, and acceleration.

A) force

B) motion

C) position

B) Motion


A car travels 200 miles in 4 hours. What is the average speed?

*remember your formula

S = D divided by T

50 mph


____________ involves the speed of an object AND direction of its motion.

A) acceleration

B) speed

C) velocity

C) velocity


Which is an example of a balanced force?

A) an object sinking in water

B) turning a cartwheel

C) a car driving at a constant speed

C) a car driving at a constant speed


In a collision ALL changes are ALWAYS visible. 

FALSE - we can't see changes such as invisible fractures, transfer of energy, friction, etc


This is a push or pull, and causes change in direction and/or speed.

A) force

B) motion

C) position

A) force


An Olympic runner can run at a pace of 9.5 m/s. How far can this runner travel in 20 seconds? 

*HINT:  use the triangle method to figure out your


190 meters


____________ is the rate of change in motion, and occurs when an object changes speed or direction, or both speed and direction.

A) acceleration

B velocity

C) speed

A) acceleration


A skydiver in the air BEFORE deploying the parachute is an example of which type of friction?

A) sliding

B) static

C) fluid

C) fluid


During a high impact collision, shapes of object can change permanently or temporarily. 

TRUE - remember the baseball slow motion video when the ball collapsed to almost half it's normal size


The unit of measure for force is ___________.



You push a table with a force of 12 N. Your friend is pushing the same table in the opposite direction at a force of 21 N. What is the net force?

*HINT: remember the rules for adding vs subtracting

9 N net force in the favor of your friend


Acceleration is a negative number when slowing down, and we call this ______________. 



The attraction between a falling apple and the ground can be described as which of the following?

A) air resistance

B) acceleration

C) gravity

C) gravity


Motion occurs when a force is applied and the object changes position. 

TRUE - if a position change takes place, then motion occured and the forces were unbalanced


This is the word for the distance an object travels per unit of time, and is the rate of change in position. 

A) velocity

B) acceleration

C) speed

C) speed


Your brother pushes his stalled car off the road at 30 N of force. His best friend helps him push the car using 26 N of force. What is the net force acting upon the car?

*HINT: remember the rules for adding vs subtracting

56 N 


A plane is landing. Will the acceleration be positive or negative?

*HINT: Think about what the plane is doing in terms of speed. 

Acceleration will be negative.


The strength of gravity depends on the _________ of the objects and the ____________ between the objects. 

*HINT: this was in our notes

mass and distance


Acceleration is a CONSTANT speed. 

FALSE - acceleration is a change in velocity over time and can be positive or negative


Total distance travels divided by total time is called what? 

A) acceleration

B) average speed

C) velocity

B) average speed


In a game of tug-of-war, two teams are competing. Both teams are pulling in opposite directions. Team a pulls with 201 N of force. Team B is also pulling with 201 N of force. What is the net force in this scenario? 

0 N  and this is a balanced force for the moment

(They are not moving. Both teams are pulling with equal force causing a stop in motion until the forces are unbalanced again.)


A force that happens when two objects rub against each other, also a type of resistance force, is called  ____________.



A skydiver in the air encounters which force AFTER deploying the parachute?

A) Fluid friction

B) Air resistance

C) Static friction

Air resistance


The force that always acts against gravity is tension. 

FALSE - the force that acts against gravity is air resistance