cone weights (kids, small, medium, and large)
kids- 3 1/2oz
small- 5oz
medium- 7oz
large- 10oz
CORRECT uniform
work shirt, black pants, black non slip shoes, visor/hat, name tag, (black, white, or grey undershirt if wanted)
how often do you clean the pop nozzles
every night
what temp in the chili supposed to be held at
how many times do you fill out the temp log a day/when do you fill it out
twice a day/ morning and night
what goes in a salted caramel truffle
praline pieces
caramel truffles
choco chunks
coco fudge
when do you flip containers
true or false
you need 30 surveys each month on fan feedback
true or false
you can use a cup to restock candy
false - use a scooper
how often does hephanie need cleaned
once a week
when should you clean the pumps
every restock
how much does a peanut buster parfait weigh
how many stars go on a sundae
clean mop water, scrub floors, mop with clean mop head to remove dirty water from floors
how much is a banana split supposed to weigh
how often are are you supposed to change the dates
trick question/ every time you flip the and or restock them
true or false
you don't have to level your scoops when making products
what is fifo
first in first out
how many inches of a banana go in a large shake
how do you date dot
print correct label sticker for product from Avery machine when you refill products
what does BLAST
B- believe
L- listen
A- apologize
S- satisfy
T- thank
how do you form the signature curl on top of your items
9-1-7 formation
what happens if the mix bag runs dry & how do you fix this
turn side and pump off, switch bags, turn pumps on turn side to clean, wait for liquid mix then shut spigot and turn back to freeze.
what are the steps to doing pullouts
pull out equipment
sweep and mop area
wipe down sides of equipment (and walls if needed)
put equipment back
what is overrun/ how do you take it
% of air in soft serve/
fill mini cups with each flavor of soft serve
level cups
weigh cups and pull % from overrun chart