Historical Events

This flag has sunset colors, pink, orange, white and red, in diagonal stripes

The Lesbian Flag


This person is a singer from the 70's and was in a very famous band. He is regarded as one of the most famous singers, even being inducted into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame nearly 10 years after his passing

Freddie Mercury


This event happened on June 28, 1969 in Greenwich Village, New York. This event was due to a police raid. This event is the reason we have Pride parades/marches now. 

Stonewall Rebellion/Riots


This show follows the life of British high schoolers. It addresses issues of homophobia, eating disorders, and figuring out who you are. It is very cute and has little leaf animations



This flag has 3 stripes, pink, yellow, and blue.

The Pansexual Flag


This icon is known for being the Queen of Drag and has revolutionized the visibility of drag culture in mainstream media



This event happened on June 26, 2015. It was a trial called Obergefell v. Hodges, which passed with a 5-4 decision

Legalization of Gay Marriage in the U.S.


This movie follows a teen boy coming to terms with his sexuality, emailing back and forth with a boy named Blue. This movie is considered important to people because it portrays the fear of coming out and then the love you can feel when people do accept you

Love, Simon


This flag has blue, pink, and white stripes

The Transgender Flag


This icon was an American gay liberation activist and self-identified drag queen. Known as an outspoken advocate for gay rights, and taking part in the Stonewall Rebellion

Marsha P. Johnson


This event in the 80's was deadly, killing thousands. It was so bad because of fear, stigma, and ignorance surrounding it. The nation was torn between sympathy for the afflicted and fear that the disease might spread in the general population.

The HIV/AIDS Epidemic


This movie is about a girl who thinks she is normal, living the conventional hetero-normative life. She had a football player boyfriend and everything! Until her parents send her to a boot-camp to "fix" her sexuality.

But I'm a Cheerleader


This flag has black, grey, white, and purple stripes

The Asexual Flag


This icon is known for playing big roles on stage and on the big screen. He is most known for playing a wizard and a magnet guy. He has been publicly out since 1988

Sir Ian McKellen


This event took place on October 14, 1979. It involved around 100,000 gays, lesbians, and allies. They demanded for their voices to finally be heard. It happened in Washington

The National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights


This movie was adapted from a famous play. It is the story of a singular night in 1968 where a gathering of gay men meet up at an apartment and simply catch up or just talk. The movie is a commentary on how hard life was back then being gay in New York City. 

The Boys in the Band


This flag has pink, white, purple, black, and blue stripes. 

The Genderfluid Flag


This icon is a famous author and playwright. He loved making fun of Victorian Society in his works. He wrote a book that is being turned into a Netflix show, where the main characters are being turned into brothers instead of partners.

Oscar Wilde


This event happened at the height of the Cold War. Thousands of gay employees were forced to quit or were fired from the federal workforce due to their sexuality. They wanted to keep it under wraps, which is why not many people know about it. 

The Lavender Scare


This movie is about one of the first people to undergo gender reassignment surgery. It is a fictionalized account of the life of Lili Elbe

The Danish Girl