Conference Paper 1
Conference Paper 2
Conference Paper 3

Fran is on vacation with her family. For their vacation, they went to Florida. They are staying in a beach house right next to the water. Fran loves the ocean. She loves the feel of the gritty sand. She enjoys the salty taste of the seawater when she swims. Fran feels at home on the beach.

Where is the beach house?

Right next to the water.


In what language are questions formed/asked that QA machines try to respond to?

Natural Language


In the model, what was the Retriever and the Reader?

Retriever: Arnserini
Reader: BERT


What was the subtask along with Question Answering that was introduced with the previous paper?

Question Rewriting


What is the AI System used in the Study?



Leah is checking her email. She bought a ticket to the city museum and it was supposed to be emailed to her. Leah can't find any emails relating to the museum in her inbox. She was going to meet her friends at the museum at three o'clock. Leah is going to go back to the museum's home page and get their phone number. She is going to make sure that she has her ticket.

Why is Leah checking her email?

She is checking for a ticket to the museum.


What is one application of QA that is discussed?

Customer Service, Search Engines, E-Commerce, Chatbots


What was the modification made in the BERT model?

Removal of the final softmax layer


In the previous conference paper, how many Question Rewriting models were used?

5 or 7


What is the evaluation method used?

10-fold cross validation


Latoya promised her younger sister that she would take her to the circus for her 5th birthday. Latoya takes her sister Autumn to the circus on her special day. Autumn said she wants to see the clowns put on a juggling show. Latoya gets front row tickets to the clown act. Autumn tells Latoya that she likes the clowns costume the best. The next act to take the stage are the circus horses. They perform by leaping through large hoops with flames around them. Autumn is worried for the horses as they leap through, but is happy for them when they successfully leap through. 

How is Autumn feeling when the horses are leaping through the hoops?



Which QA variant involves the generation of answers by the model based on a given context?

Choices:  Extractive QA / Open Generative QA / Closed Generative QA

Open Generative QA


What formula was used to combine the reader and retriever score?

Linear Interpolation


Which Question Rewriting model achieved the highest score among the QR models?



What Automated Fisher Classifier outperformed manual exclusion?