A punctuation mark used at the end of a question.
A question mark (?).
The punctuation mark that signals the end of a statement.
A period (.)
An exclamation point
A punctuation mark used to show excitement, surprise, or strong emotions.
A punctuation mark used to separate items in a list.
A comma (,)
The classic video game character known for collecting gold rings
Sonic the Hedgehog.
A sentence that needs a question mark.
"What time is it?"
A type of sentence that must always end with a period.
A declarative sentence.
Rewrite this sentence with the correct punctuation: "I can't believe I won the contest"
"I can't believe I won the contest!"
The correct placement of a comma in this sentence: "I wanted to go outside but it started to snow."
"I wanted to go outside, but it started to snow."
A leadership organization that recognizes high-achieving students in academics, service, leadership, and character.
The National Honor Society (NHS)
The correct way to punctuate this sentence: "Are you coming to the party"
"Are you coming to the party?"
How to correctly punctuate this sentence: "I went to the store I bought some milk."
"I went to the store. I bought some milk."
True or False: Exclamation points can make writing more exciting and engaging.
Two situations where commas are necessary.
Separating items in a list and before conjunctions in compound sentences.
The international event where athletes from around the world compete every four years.
The Olympic Games.
True or False: Question marks can be used in statements.
True or False: Periods can be used to end questions.
A reason to avoid overusing exclamation points.
Too many exclamation points can make writing feel overly dramatic or less believable.
The mistake in this sentence: "She brought a cute, little cat."
No comma is needed because "cute little" is a cumulative adjective phrase.
The animal that can sleep while standing up but only dreams when lying down.
A horse.
The difference between a rhetorical question and a regular question.
A rhetorical question is asked for effect and does not expect an answer, while a regular question seeks information.
An example of a sentence that needs a period at the end.
"She enjoys reading books."
This is an example of what:"The sky is blue."
An example of a sentence that should not have an exclamation mark.
The difference between coordinate and cumulative adjectives.
Coordinate adjectives have equal weight and need commas; cumulative adjectives build on each other and do not need commas.
The name of the wizarding sport played on broomsticks in Harry Potter.