The golden droid best friends to R2D2
WHO is C3P0
The person who puts out fires
Who is a firefighter?
What is an apple?
Jason Lee Scott is the original one of this color of Power Ranger
What is the red ranger?
The national bird of the United States, below
What is the bald eagle?
This is the birthplace of Anakin Skywalker
Where is Tatooine?
The place police officers work
Where is the police station?
A preferred dip for chips, pictured below
What is guacamole?
These machines are something the Power Rangers use to fight big bad guys, pictured below
What are zords?
The place kangaroos and koalas call home
Where is Australia?
Good friend and partner to Han Solo
Who is Chewbaca
The person who helps us to take care of our teeth
Who is the dentist?
The place we often cook and eat meals
Where is the kitchen?
A villain from the Power Rangers series
Who is Goldar?
An underwater creature with eight tentacles that can change color to match its environment
What is an octopus?
While standing in this place in episode XI, our heroes see the fallen Death Star.
Where is the Cliffs of Moher
The place we go if we are sick
Where is the hospital or doctor's office?
Something we do to ensure our hands are clean before we eat
What is washing our hands?
Mentor to the Power Rangers
Who is Zordon?
The place spider monkeys spend much of their time
Where is the trees?
The last jedi, pictured here
Who is Rey?
The person who makes food in a restaurant
Who is a chef?
The early part of the day during which we eat breakfast
When is morning?
The colors of the original 5 Power Rangers
What are red, yellow, pink, green and black?
An extinct type of shark that lived almost 23 million years ago that could grow from 34-65 feet long!
What is a megalodon?