What is the name of the new teacher?
The name of the new teacher is Karol
What is your favorite color?
my favorite color is...
Is your name math?
No! may name is...
Do you like pizza?
yes! i like pizza
Where do you live?
i live in....
Does your friend play an instrument?
yes he/she can
No she/he can not can´t
When is your birthday?
My birthday is on....
is it sunny today?
yes / no is a raining day
Do you play video games?
yes no
Is the beach your favorite place?
yes is my favorite
What kind of music do you like?
i like pop music rock
Are you learning another language?
yes no
What is your favorite food?
spell it
my favorite food is
What is your favorite book?
tell the name of 3 characters
my favorite book is...
Do you have pets?
say the name and spell it
yes/ no
Write on the board a wh question
what is..
where do yo..
how is...
who are..
Have you ever had a pet that was not a dog or a cat?
ex: a bird
Yes! i have a bird/fish
What are the 3 most important things in your life?
What is your mother's name?
please spell it
my mothers name is...
the name of my mother is
her name is
Answer the next question
Do you think your group is going to win?
and why?
yes, because...
they are the best