Marks of the Church.
One, Holy, Catholic, & Apostolic
What is incarnation?
The mystery of God becoming human in the person of Jesus Christ.
What is eschatology?
Study of last things
Sacraments of Initiation:
Baptism, communion, & confirmation.
Who is the greatest saint?
Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
How is the Church “Catholic”?
It is universal. Christ is present in the Church and the Church strives to fulfill the mission to spread the Gospel to the whole world.
What is docetism?
Hersey that stated Jesus was not really human and didn’t really suffer and die.
Define concupiscence.
Urge to sin.
Sacraments of healing:
“Abba” in hebrew
How is the Church Apostolic?
It is built on the foundation of the apostles, guided by the Holy spirit and led by successors of the apostles.
”Secret knowledge”. Taught creation is evil and Jesus had no human body.
What are two reasons Jesus become human?
To save humanity from sin and reconcile us with God. So people know of God’s love. To be a model of holiness for the people. So we can share in divine nature.
Another word for courage
Define who makes up the clergy.
Bishops, priests, and deacons.
What is kingship of Christ rooted in?
How is Jesus present in the Mass?
Eating, drinking, word, gathering, song, ministers, and us.
Prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance
Cardinal virtues