1 - Yes/ No Be
2 - yes / no
3 - be wh -
4 - other verbs wh-
5 - Miscellaneous - any question

I was in Arizona last weekend.

Were you in Arizona last weekend?


Ali woke up early this morning.

Did Ali wake up early this morning?

The test was last week.
When was the test?
answer: to catch the bus (I ran to catch the bus.)
Why did you run?
I didn't go to the football game last week.
Did you go to the football game last week? Where did you go last week? When did you go to the football game?

Jalal was the best student in his class last year.

Was Jalal the best student in the class last year? 

We had a vocab test yesterday.
Did you have a vocab test yesterday?
Dilu and Umesh were here early.
When were Dilu and Umesh here? Who was here early?

pizza and ice cream (Khaled ate pizza and ice cream for his birthday dinner.)

What did Khaled eat for his birthday dinner?

I studied in the library yesterday afternoon.
Did you study in the library yesterday? Who studied in the library yesterday afternoon? Where did you study yesterday afternoon? When did you study in the library?

I was not at home when you called.

Were you home when I called? 


Last summer my father and I caught 4 fish.

Did you catch any fish last summer? Did you catch some fish? Did your father and you catch fish last summer?

Jovany was at the party.
Where was Jovany? Who was at the patry?
in the library. (I found my backpack in the library.)
Where did you find your backpack?
Foster won the soccer game on Saturday!
Did Foster win the soccer game on Saturday? Who won the game on Saturday? What did Foster win on Saturday? When did Foster win the soccer game?

Naji and Jalal were on the soccer team last year.

Were Naji and Jalal on the soccer team last year? 

I didn't hear the phone ring.
Did you hear the phone ring?
I was so tired after PE class today!
How did you feel after PE class today?

Suha . (I saw Suha at the mall.)

Who did you see at the mall?


Muna remembered to bring his book today.

Did Muna remember to bring his book today? Who remembered to bring his book today? When did Muna remember to bring his book? What did Muna remember to bring today?


My parents were at my school today.

Were your parents at school today? 


Ahmad told me the news.

Did Ahmad tell you the news?


Maha was at the store with is friend.

Where were Maha and his friend? Who was at the store? Who was Maha with at the store?


about 3 miles (They walked about 3 miles yesterday.)

How far did they walk yesterday?


They cried when they heard the news.

Did they cry when they heard the news? Why did they cry? When did they cry? Who cried? What did they do when they heard the news?