Mental Math
Got Luck?
Math tRiViA

The value of 250 + 950.

What is 1200?


The sum of inner degrees of an obtuse triangle.

What is 180°?


The probability (in percent) that a coin you flip lands on heads given that you’ve flipped a coin 6 times in a row and got heads all six times.

What is 50%?


Famous Greek mathematician who invented a type of screw that now bears his name, and who was killed by an enemy soldier allegedly after he refused to meet with the enemy general.

Who is Archimedes?


The distance (in kilometers) from the Earth to the Moon to the closest thousand kilometers.

What is 384000 km?


The value of 6^3.

What is 216?


A quadrilateral with only one pair of opposite sides parallel.

What is a trapezoid?


The probability (as a simplified fraction) of Dr. Culbert eating a green melon piece if there are 60 pieces total, where 38 of them are green, and 22 are orange.

What is 19/30?


Current math teacher who has worked at Loomis Chaffee the longest.

Who is Mr. Curtis Robison (since 1981)?


The time when John will have eaten the same amount of spring rolls as Harry if Harry started eating at noon and John started at 1pm, and John can eat 10 spring rolls per hour, while Harry can eat 8 spring rolls per hour.

What is 5pm?


The value of  √((3+9)*3)/2.

What is 3?


Something with one endpoint and continues in one direction.

What is a ray?


The probability (in percent, to the nearest percentage point) that a door has a sports car behind it, if there are three doors, where behind two are goats and behind one is the car, and you randomly choose a door, after which one door you didn’t open is revealed to have had a goat, and then you switch your choice to the other unopened door.

What is 67%?


The location (or type of structure) where William Rowan Hamilton came up with the idea for quaternions, 4-dimensional extensions of the imaginary numbers, where there is now a plaque bearing the fundamental theorem of quaternion multiplication.

What is the Broom Bridge (or a bridge)?


The amount of money Sam has left if his parents gave him a red envelope with $30, his uncle gave him a red envelope worth 1.5x as much as his parents’, and then he donates half of the money.

What is $37.5?


The value of (2^3 + 420) / 2.

What is 214?


The trigonometric function defined by this operation of sides in a triangle: opposite/hypotenuse.

What is sine?


The probability (in percent) that Amy’s number is bigger than John’s, if John picks a real number between 0 and 1000, and Amy picks a real number between 0 and 2000.

What is 75%?


The century in which Rafael Bombelli first set down the rules for multiplication of complex numbers; not to be confused with the time of Hero of Alexandria, who is noted as the first to have conceived of imaginary numbers.

What is the 16th century?


The length of one wall of a square ballroom, considering that for Lunar New Year, Bob used 500 yards of red string to line the perimeter of a small room, and decorating the ballroom took 60% more rope.

What is 200 yards?


The number of times that the number 8 occurs as a digit in the product of multiplying 987,654,321 by 9.

What is 8?


The sum of the inner angles of a triangle drawn on a perfect sphere that covers ¼ of the sphere’s area.

What is 360°?


The way to distribute marbles into two distinct bins to maximize the odds of choosing a white marble, if you have 50 black marbles and 50 white marbles, you distribute them any way you like into two bins, and then you randomly choose a bin, after which you choose a marble in that bin.

What is to place 1 white marble in one bin and place the rest in the other bin?


Name the most consecutive digits of pi (π).

What is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510…?


The amount of money Sun Tzu would make if he sold a quarter of his dragon’s claws for $2 each, considering that he took those claws from Huff the non-magic dragon, who was born with one foot and three claws and grew five claws every year until he was five years old, when he was brutally murdered by Sun Tzu.

What is $14?