who is the two smartest in people in our class
Jacob and Jaden
who made the Monalisa?
leonardo da vinci
Who made the movie Peter pan
Frank Armitage
who Jordan Matter's Daughter
Sailsh Matter
what is lesara's middle name
who is the seconded youngest in the class?
who are the special people who made art
What is the name of the toy dog in toy story
Who are the Royalty family's sons and daughter?
Ferran Milan and Andrea Ali Blu
what is Quine's phone number
who is the main staff in our class
who made the primary colours
Isaac Newton
who made played Mirabel in encanto
Stephanie Beatriz
who is in the Ansala family?
Mila And Noah and Asala And Anas
how many siblings does Quine have?
who is the fastest in our class
what are the primary colours
who voised shrek
Mike Myers
who are the people in Famofthedevil
Quine Reign Zackery Paige peobeoe
who is the smartest in the world
Christopher langan
who is the loudest in our class
who is the father of modern art
Pablo Picasso
which was the first Disney movie
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Who played Wednesday in Wednesday?
Jenna Orteaga
how do you spell friend in Australian