

"Forever Miracle," "Bladed Tentacles," "External Vessel Manifestation," "Endless Blood," "Perfected Adaption," "Bloody Fantasy," "Agony," "Decay," "Blood Frenzy," "Organic Multiplication, "Kagune," "Limb Self-Destruct," "Broken," "Unending Hunger," "Immortality," "Ignitable Blood," "Insomnia Inducer," and "Cell Printer"

Forever Miracle
Emitter. User can use any quirk they have seen before. User will gain infinite stamina, an insanely enhanced healing factor, and impeccable senses.

Bladed Tentacles
Transformation. User can grow tentacles out of any part of their body. The tentacles are made out of pure muscle, and the blades at the end are made out of strengthened bone.

External Vessel Manifestation
Transformation. Users can manifest and mutate their internal organs, cells, muscle tissue, and internal gases and chemicals to fit their needs. Whether those needs are gaining more muscle really quick, covering oneself in such an amount of tissue that they become a titan, shrinking organs to avoid damage, splitting themselves apart to create kaiju slaves, or generating and releasing poisonous gas, they can do it.

Endless Blood
Mutation. User's bones, muscles, skin, and organs are as strong as bricks. User's body produces an infinite amount of blood. User's blood is transformed to O-. 

Perfected Adaption
Transformation. When activated, the quirk will scan the terrain for any hostile threats, and then transform the body to perfectly counter said threats.

Bloody Fantasy
Emitter. User can force their target into a bloody nightmare where they see their worst fears and traumatic pasts realized, along with seeing and feeling themselves be killed in the most brutal ways. Can only activate if the victim sees the user's face.

Emitter. User can overcharge anything/anyone's pain receptors. 

User can fast forward anything/anyone to their decay point as soon as they have skin-to-skin contact.

Blood Frenzy
Emitter. User can affect an infinite amount of people with a blood frenzy.
When affected, the target will become crazy and kill everyone around them until either everyone in sight is dead, or they are dead.
Only works if the user can see the target in some way.

Organic Multiplication
Mutation. User can use detached pieces of flesh to create and control any creature they want; unfortunately, the creature will always look like the embodiment of body horror.

Mutation. User produces a massive amount of extra distorted or rotten flesh within their body that can burst out of their back to make large tentacles, ranging from a shield, wing, armor, etc. Normally, the amount and shape would differ depending on the amount of flesh stored up, but with Malformation that's not a problem.

Limb Self-Destruct
Transformation. User can ignite any of their limbs (missing or not) as if it were a bomb. User can regenerate quickly. 

Emitter. User can break anything, whether physically or mentally. Physical requires their body, while mental requires the target to hear the user speak.

Unending Hunger
Mutation? User's stomach is always empty and is absolutely repulsed by anything besides human flesh. This quirk is the manifestation of all the other quirk's drawbacks.

Mutation. User is immortal.

Ignitable Blood
Mutation. User's blood has a similar effect to a gasoline-like substance that they can light on will. User constantly bleeds out of all orifices.

Cell Printer
Emitter. User can "print" cells, and change them to create organs and limbs of any shape and size.

Insomnia Inducer
Emitter. User can force any target that looks upon their faces to have insomnia for as long as the user wants.

Note: Malformation still feels the pain of all these quirks, so his life must be absolute agony. No wonder he's a villain.




The quirk/archetype will subconsciously judge whatever/whoever the user is fighting.
The opposing entity's actions, ideals, and thoughts will be judged and the opposing entity will either be innocent or guilty.
Against those who are innocent, the user cannot win against.
Against those who are guilty, the user cannot lose against.

User: The Judge (Rank #214 Hero)


"Quirkless Empowerment"


User will feel a large increase in stats across the board. Unfortunately, Quirkless Empowerment cannot be detected by conventional methods and leaves the user looking like they're quirkless.

User: Valkyrie (Vigilante)


"Quirk Factory"


User can give themselves any quirk, in or out of existence, as long as they can understand the ins and outs of said quirk. No quirk limit.

User: Factory (Vigilante)



"Bloodwork" and "The Fallen"

User can easily freeze or pull/push/throw the heaviest objects on the planet. If they wanted to control someone's limbs as if they were a puppet, they would need a lot of concentration to manipulate the target's blood into doing so. Users can also manipulate their blood to fly and raise their IQ.

The Fallen
Mutation/Emitter. User can summon and disperse 3 pairs of wings. 3 black bat wings and 3 white angel wings; black on the right and black on the left.
User's muscles can act and be 1000x stronger than the average strength enhancers.
User can summon light-based weapons, monster, and attacks from their left side, and darkness from the right.
User does not need to eat, sleep, or drink. User has infinite stamina.
User can summon any melee weapons of their choosing.



"Earth Manipulation," "Fracture," "Grounded Shockwave," "Draining Amethyst," "Explosive Compression," and "Cardinal Orbs"

Earth Manipulation
Emitter. User can freely manipulate the earth in any way as long as they can see it.

Emitter. Allows the user to create fractures across any surface. Said surface can range from anything between the ground, a body, water, and even air. Can build fractures upon each other. Fractures can only start at the hands.

Grounded Shockwave
Emitter. User can summon an insane shockwave around themselves.

Draining Amethyst
Emitter. User can fire an amethyst that drains the target's stamina upon hitting.

Explosive Compression
Emitter. User can cause a massive explosion wherever by releasing a heavily compressed ball of air.

Cardinal Orbs
Emitter. User can summon 6 orbs around the target. The orbs will first come from the front and back, then from the 4 cardinal directions. Orbs will hit with 800 tons of force per.


"Iron Kitty"


User can transform into a humanoid feline of their choosing with iron accents around the claws, canines, and knuckles. 

User: Feline (Rank #200 Hero)




User will constantly glitch in and out of reality. User is intangible but can make themselves tangible. User also has heightened intelligence, and can cause things to "glitch" and either morph the object or fade it out of reality.

User: Glitch (B-Rank Villain)


"Controlling Domain"


User's domain is a 50-mile radius around them. User can freely manipulate anything within said domain.

User: None/Hades


Dead Bite

"Viral Centre," "Corrosive Old Man," "Twisted Faces," and "Guilt"

Viral Centre
Mutation. User is asymptomatic. User gains every infection/disease known and unknown to genetics.
User can control the diseases within their body. User's control extends to activating/deactivating the diseases and morphing them into objects. User can infect others.

Corrosive Old Man
Mutation. User gains the appearance of a 100+-year-old man. User can corrode anything they want at a frightening pace. User will enter an enraged state in which they lose all rationality and corrode anything they see when someone looks into their eyes.

Twisted Faces
Emitter. User can contort their or other's faces as they wish.

Emitter. User can naturally guilt-trip someone into doing anything no matter the circumstances. Always active, so it's very dangerous to speak to them.



"Traumatizing Fear," "Reciprocity," "Stroke of Death," "Decay Breath," "Murk," "Combatant," "Zombification," and "Recovery Blood"

Traumatizing Fear
Emitter. Grants the user the power of traumatizing and paralyzing anyone who looks upon their face, either by reliving a traumatizing memory or displaying the person's biggest fear.

Mutation. Anyone who causes damage to the user suffers the same damage at the same time.

Stroke of Death
Mutation. Turns the user's hand into pure bone, and anyone who is touched by said hand will die in whatever way the user chooses.

Decay Breath
Emitter. By harshly exhaling, the user can disperse a blackish-grey-colored gas that rapidly speeds up the decomposition process. Unfortunately, the gas can be easily wafted away.

Transformation. Imagine all the abilities of Venom but with an almost sewage-like substance instead.

Mutant. Combatant allows the user to master any weapon they touch instantly.

Emitter. By swallowing someone's blood, the user can permanently turn them into an undead servant - Daw of the Dead style.

Recovery Blood
Mutation. Though this quirk does not work on the user themselves, it's very useful towards their allies. Anyone who ingests the user's blood can have any damage, physical or mental, fixed instantaneously.




Allows the user to make save points whenever they want. When the user dies, by anything except old age, they can either "True" reset or "Normal" reset."
"Normal" reset resets the world to the last save point.
"True" reset resets the world to when the user was born.
User will also keep memories between resets.

User: Reset (Rank #20 Hero)




User can cause anything to implode on oneself.

User: None/Hades


"Twisted Entity"


User can contort any object into any shape. If the object is broken during the transformation, it will replicate parts to fix it perfectly. User can control any contorted objects. If done on living organisms, they will feel ridiculous amounts of pain.

User: Entity (Rank #57 Hero)



"Overclock," "Atomic Split," "Nuclear Finger," "Cluster Punch," "Atomic Breath," and "Keen Eye"

Emitter.User can speed up anything beyond its normal functioning rate.

Keen Eye
Mutation. User's brain and eyes are hard-wired to find any and all minuscule details to any object.

Atomic Split
Emitter. When activated, an atom near what the user wants to blow up will split, causing a large explosion.

Cluster Punch
Emitter. When the user connects a punch, a dozen phantom hands will attack in a shotgun pattern around the area the user hit. 

Atomic Breath
Emitter. User can shoot a beam of pure radiation from their mouth.

Nuclear Finger
If the user "shoots" at an area with a finger gun formation, they can emit an explosive blast equivalent to 3 hydrogen bombs.



"Wild Card," "Screw Senses," "Infinite Adrenaline," and "One-Hit Wonder"

Wild Card
Emitter/Transformation. User can gain any existing quirk of their choosing. Requires the burning of a "Joker" card from a poker deck to activate.

Screw Senses
Emitter. User can have their opponents senses thrown out of wack. 

One-Hit Wonder
Emitter. User can defeat any opponent stronger than them in 1 hit.

Infinite Adrenaline
Emitter. User has an infinite supply of adrenaline coursing through their veins at all times.


"Thunderbolt Shotgun"


User can summon a chromed-out shotgun that fires 10 thunderbolts per shot.

User: Modern Zeus (Rank #27 Hero)


"Smooth Talker"


User can convince anyone to do anything as long as they speak to them once.

User: Smooth Criminal (Vigilante)


"Solar Strength"


User can absorb sun rays to increase their strength to godly amounts.

User: Ra (Rank #15 Hero)



"Analyze," "Superior Intellect," and "Photographic Memory"

Superior Intellect
Mutation. User's IQ goes up 300, and they perfectly understand anything given to them immediately. 

Mutation. User's mind will break down situations or knowledge at a breakneck pace. Cannot be turned off.

Photographic Memory
User has an insane photographic memory, and can permanently remember anything with exact details even if they've only seen it for a millisecond.



"Boiling Touch," "Melting Touch," "Snap Flare," "LOVE," and "Flamethrower"

Boiling Touch
Emitter. User can force any liquid to begin to boil.

Melting Touch
Emitter. User can force any solid to melt.

Snap Flare
Emitter. User launches a large ball of flame whenever they snap. 

Emitter. The user grows stronger the more violent of a person they are.

Emitter. User grows flamethrowers out of their forearm and backs,a and fuel canisters out of their palms when wanted.




The opposite quirk of "Want;" user can will anything out of existence.

User: None/Hades




User can force someone to have no self-worth, meaning they will do anything as long as someone acknowledges them.

User: Entropy (SS-Rank Villain)


"The Unpredictable"


Upon activation, it will completely randomize the abilities and personality of the user, essentially meaning the user has no personality of their own.
Said randomized abilities can only let the user grow stronger than the last time they used the quirk.

User: Unconventional (SSS-Rank Villain)


False One

"For Naught," "Go Beyond," "Dormancy," "Evolver," "Exercise," "Actor," "Freeze Frame," and "Reality Breaker"

For Naught
Emitter? The user can steal, give, duplicate, and edit quirks as long as they look at the target. User can also separate parts of a quirk in their possession, combine them, and create full quirks out of a single quirk's drawback.

Go Beyond
Emitter? User can give permanent boosts to anyone that wants to upgrade their quirk. User can boost themselves to increase their physical strength and flexibility.

Emitter. User can force any quirk into dormancy. User must be able to see the target in some way.

Emitter. User can evolve any quirk they wish. If the user uses this quirk on a quirkless person, their physical attributes go through the roof.

Emitter. User can completely change their personality to whatever they need. User can also easily manipulate those he wants.

Freeze Frame
Emitter. User can freeze a specified area with a blink of their eyes.

Reality Breaker
Emitter. User can alter reality to their liking, in any which way.