Name a yellow Pokemon (extra 20 points if its not the super obvious one)
Name a red fruit.
Extra 20 points if you spell it correctly.
Name 2 types of weather
Extra 20 points if you spell them correctly.
Name 2 animals that can be pets.
Extra 20 points if you spell them correctly.
Point to your thumb and then to your toe.
6. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
What are 4 vegetables you like?
Extra 40 points if you spell them correctly.
7. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
How do you say the following words in English:
- Mar
- Playa
- Arena
- Sombrilla o Paraguas
Extra 40 points if you spell them correctly.
8. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
Name4 felines (big cats).
Extra 40 points if you spell them correctly.
What happens when you mix red and yellow, red and blue, and yellow and blue?
10. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
How do you say the following fruits in English:
- Manzana Amarilla
- Piña
- Guayaba
Extra 60 points if you spell them correctly.
How do you say the following words in English:
- Nieve
- Frío
- Hielo
Extra 60 points if you spell them correctly.
12.Bonus! You can work together and split the points
Name 6 animals that live in the ocean.
Extra 60 points if you spell them correctly.
How do you say the following words in English:
- Muslo
- Pie
- Dientes
Extra 80 points if you spell them correctly.
14. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
Name 3 types of berries.
Extra 80 points if you spell them correctly.
Name the 4 seasons in the year.
Extra 80 points if you spell them correctly.
16. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
How do you say the following animals in English:
- Canguro
- Cangrejo
- Jirafa
Extra 40 points if you spell them correctly.
Extra 40 points if you tell me two words to describe each of them.
17. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
Mention 5 shapes.
Extra 100 points if you spell them correctly.
18. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
Spell Supercalifragilistic for 1000 points.
I'm covering it now.
19. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
Name at least 6 of the 7 colors of the rainbow.
Extra 50 points if you tell me the 7th.
Extra 50 points if you spell them correctly.
20. Bonus! You can work together and split the points
How do you say the following animals in English:
- Ardilla ("voladora" extra 10 points)
- Tejón
- Armadillo
- Escarabajo ("del hongo" extra 10 points)
- Delfín ("nariz de botella" extra 10 points)
Extra 100 points if you spell them correctly.