Components of an Experiment
Lesson 1: Earth Science
Lesson 2: Astronomy
Lesson 3: Origin of the Universe

The variable that scientists change in order to examine how it affects another variable is known as the ...

Independent variable


The __________________ refers to the rocky portions of Earth

BONUS: the densest and hottest region of the planet is known as Earth's ________________



A __________________ is a luminous sphere of plasma. Collections of these objects form ________________, which often exist with a supermassive black hole at the center.

Star; galaxies


The Universe is approximately ____________________ years old

14 billion


An educated guess that is often formed as an "if, then" statement is known as a ___________________



The variable whose value depends on a change in another variable is known as the ...

BONUS: This variable is found on the ____ - axis of a graph

Dependent variable

BONUS: y-axis


The Earth's ____________________ is the surface of the Earth. Below this layer is the _____________________, which is a malleable solid due to intense temperatures and pressures

Crust; mantle


____________________ planets are rocky and generally Earth-like in size and composition

BONUS: List 4 planets that fit this description


BONUS: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars


The ________________ _________________ is the currently accepted theory for how our solar system formed

Nebular Theory


True or False: Earth's crust is relatively thin compared to the other layers of the geosphere, such as the mantle and the core.



In a typical experimental setup, the ________________ group receives the independent variable, while the _____________ group receives all the same factors EXCEPT for the independent variable

Experimental group; control group


The Earth's _____________________________ is the envelope of gases surrounding the Earth

The ______________________ refers collectively to all life found on Earth

Atmosphere; biosphere


Jupiter and Saturn are known as ____________ giants, while Uranus and Neptune are known as __________ giants. Collectively, all of these planets are known as ________________ planets

Gas; ice; Jovian


As luminous objects move towards us, their light shifts towards the _______________ end of the EM spectrum. As such objects move away from us, their light moves towards the _________________ end of the spectrum.

Blue; red


True or False: Terrestrial planets cannot exist close to the sun, unlike the Jovian planets

False; Jovian planets cannot exist close to the sun due to their gaseous layers being evaporated / blown off by the heat and solar wind


A person's height represents a type of _______________ data, while a person's gender represents a type of _____________ data

Quantitative; qualitative

The ___________________ refers to Earth's water in all its forms. Most of this water is found in the form of _____________________

Hydrosphere; saltwater (oceans)


For relatively small distances in the solar system, like the distance between Earth and Mars, scientists measure in ______________ _____________. For greater distances, scientists measure in _______________ ______________. 

BONUS: For the largest distances, scientists may measure in _____________________

Astronomical units; light years

BONUS: Parsecs


_________________ ____________________ __________________ is radiation that has spread throughout the universe, heating up even deep space to a uniform temperature of around 2.7 Kelvin.  

Cosmic Background Radiation


List the planets, in order from closest to the sun to farthest from the sun.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


A scientist wants to discover whether plants grow better under green light or red light. The scientist grows 5 plants under green light, and another 5 plants under red light. She also grows an additional 5 plants in regular sunlight. 

a. What is the independent variable in this experiment?

b. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

c. Which group/groups are experimental?

d. Which group/groups are control?

BONUS: List three controlled variables that should be kept constant across each group.

a. Color of light

b. Growth of plant

c. Red and green light plants (receive independent variable)

d. Plants in regular sunlight (don't receive independent variable)

BONUS: plant species, water, soil type, fertilizer amount, etc.

Gases that help heat up Earth are known as ____________________ gases. List two gases that perform this function in Earth's atmosphere

BONUS: Which gas in Earth's atmosphere helps protect from the sun's UV radiation?

Greenhouse; CO2, CH4, water vapor

BONUS: Ozone (O3)


Draw a depiction of each of the THREE different types of galaxies. Be sure to label each one

BONUS: Which of these types of galaxies is often the site of extremely active star formation

BONUS: Irregular


In 3-4 steps, briefly describe how the solar system is thought to have formed

1. Gravitational shockwave causes collapse of nebular cloud

2. Collapsing cloud begins to spin and flatten to form a disk

3. Star ignites at center of disk, where temperatures are highest

4. In outer parts of disk, matter collides to form planets


Convert the distance between our star and Proxima Centauri (4 x 1013 km) into light years and parsecs.

  • 1 ly = 9.461 x 1012 km

  • 1 pc = 3.26 lys

4.25 lys, 1.3 parsecs