What does fama, -ae, f. mean?
Form, shape, beauty
What cases uses the words "to"/"for"
Nautae vident
Poeta amat fortunam et laudat pecuniam.
The poet loves fortune and (he) praises money.
What case/number is "puellas"
Acc pl
What does pecunia, -ae, f. mean?
What case is used for the noun that is doing the action
Puellae vocant poetam
The girls call the poet
Tua vita terret multam puellam
What case/number is vitam in
Acc s.
What does erro, errare, erravi, erratum mean?
To Wander/Err
What case uses "of" or 's or s'
Tua philosophia est magna
Without fortune we are not strong, but often we think we are strong
Sine fortuna (abl) non valemus, sed saepe cogitamus valemus
What case(s)/number is/are puellae in
nominative pl., gen. s., dat. s.
What does sententia, -ae, f. mean?
What cases uses prepositions and shows means/manner/time/place/accompaniment/agent
I give money to the girl
Do pecuniam puellae
If punishment is great, you offer much anger.
Si poena est magna, debes multam iram
dat pl or abl pl
What is the latin word for "Without"
What case is used for the noun that is acted on by the verb
Without philosophy we often wander
Sine philisophia (ablative) saepe erramus
O poeta, servat me. Amo tuam philosophiam et do tuam sententiam multis nautis.
O poet, save me! I love your philosophy and I give your thoughts to the many sailors
What case/number is rosarum
Gen pl