Calculate Net Force
Is it moving?
Newton's Laws
Experimental Design

A push or pull

What is force?

You pull your water bottle with 5 N of force right. Your friend pulls on your water bottle (they're thirsty) with 2 N of force left. Calculate the net force and describe the motion. 

The net force acting on the bottle is 3 N right. It is pulling closer to you. 


You apply 2 N --- > of force to a chair that is on the ground. The force of friction acting on the chair is 0.5 N < ---. Describe the movement, if any, of the chair. 

The object is moving to the right. (There is a net force of 1.5 N --- >)


A chair is sitting on the ground. Nothing pushes or pulls on it, therefore it does not move. 

What is Newton's first law?


This is the thing that a scientist intentionally changes in an experiment. This goes on the x-axis of a graph. 

What is the independent variable?


The invisible force that pulls objects to the center of the planet

What is gravity?

An object is being pushed with 6 N of force left. There is a 6 N force of friction acting on the object is well. Calculate the net force. 

The object is not moving. Net force acting on the object is 0 N of force. 


Miss Toon applies 5 N of force to a 5,000 pound Jeep Wrangler. Describe its movement.

It does not move. The force is not strong enough to accelerate the mass. 


One block is pushed across a plastic mat. This takes 0.5 N of force. Three blocks are pushed across a plastic mat. This takes 1.5 N of force The block with more mass took more force to make it move. 

What is Newton's second law?


This is the thing that the scientist measures in an experiment. It goes on the y-axis of a graph. 

What is the dependent variable?

A measurement of the amount of gravity acting on an object

What is weight?


Gravity is pulling a book down with 10 N of force. A table is pushing the book up with 10 N of force. Your friend pushes your book with 2 N of force left. Friction is negligible. Calculate the net force and describe the movement. 

The object is moving to the left. The net force is 2 N left. 


You and your friend are playing tug of war. You pull east with 25 N of force. Your friend pulls west with 15 N of force. Determine the winner and describe which direction the rope is pulled. 

You are the winner. The rope is pulled to the east with a net force of 10 N.


A soccer ball is rolling on the ground on a frictionless surface. It rolls forever and never stops moving.

What is Newton's first law?


These are the things you must keep the same in an experiment for it to be considered fair.

What are constant variables?


The force that acts between two surfaces and resists motion

What is friction?


An object is being pushed with 3 N of force left. There is a force of friction on the object of 5 N. Describe the movement of the object and calculate net force. 

The net force acting on the object is 0 N. There is no movement. The force of friction acting on an object can only be equivalent to the force being applied to the object. 


I push on a cart with 3 N of force to the east. The force of friction between the wheels of the cart and the ground is 4 N of friction. Describe the movement, if any, of the cart. 

The cart is not moving. The 3 N force acting on the cart is not enough to overcome friction, which resists motion. 


I push on a wall with 10 N of force to the east. The wall pushes back on my hands with 10 N of force to the west. 

What is Newton's third law?


This is the number of things you should change in an experiment. If it is more than this, it is an unfair experiment and does not make sense.

What is one thing?


When an object has __________ forces acting on it, the net force will be 0 N. Since net force is 0 N, the object will not move. 

What is balanced forces?


An object has the following forces acting on it:

100 N upward.

80 N down.

50 N left.

40 N right. 

The object is moving up and left. The net force is 20 N upward and 10 N left. 


You kick a soccer ball with 7 N of force to the east. Your friend intercepts it and kicks it back with 7 N of force to the west. Ignoring friction, describe the movement, if any, of the ball. 

The soccer ball is no longer moving. The net force acting on the ball is 7 N. 


An astronaut kicks off of a satellite in space with 10 N of force. The astronaut moves to the north and the satellite moves to the south. 

What is Newton's third law?


This is an educated guess that is written before an experiment is carried out. It is written as an "if, then, because" statement. 

What is a hypothesis?