The smallest unit of sound that have meaning
People display knowledge of grammar greater than the amount of linguistic input received
the poverty of stimulus
Children develop cognitive systems that characterize the structure underlying their linguistic capacity
Once a phrase has found its compliment, the grammar must have a mechanism that combines phrases.
What constituents of a phrase makes up the core meaning of a sentence
heads, compliments, and specifiers
The smallest unit of sound which have a difference in meaning
tree diagram:
The dog ran across the street fast.
Sentences are made of clauses and phrases, which in turn are made up of smaller clauses and phrases or words.
is responsible for the tense of a sentence ( among other duties)
the structure of sentences
The transmission, reception and production of speech sounds
Label Bracketing:
The wise old man stood on the corner of the street and waited patiently for the bus.
can begin with: Noun, Verb, Preposition, Adjective and Determiner
Heads of phrases
Inflection Phrases are unusual because they also require a
Specifier Position
parts of speech
form class
Sounds in combination with other sounds which change the meaning of a word
bound morphemes
Label Bracketing:
The young girl ate candy while she watched a movie.
all the word in our mental dictionary
functional categories that allow clauses to be embedded in other clauses
complimentizer phrase
Fill in the blanks
Complimentizer phrases are necessary to understand the structure of __________ and________________
questions and relative clauses
The way in which a language is used in various social contexts
Tree Diagram:
Those little kids in the classroom are disturbing their teacher.
words that provide the primary meaning of a sentence
adds modifiers to a phrase
The idea that a Sentence is composed of phrases and the phrases are composed of words (even though some phrases are composed of only one word) is known as