Morning Meeting
Environmental Arrangement
Teaching Expectations
Anything Goes
The first component of morning meeting. This purpose of this component is to set a positive tone for the rest of the day and to give children a sense of belonging.
What is the Greeting.
How many positively stated expectations should I create for my class?
What is 3-5
A belief students’ growth and development are result of external conditions is called
What is nature.
What is the name of Dr. MacSuga-Gage's baby?
What is Olive Sue.
This component of morning meeting often includes academic content. It teaches children to engage with peers, builds community, and helps children learn the value of persistence and practice.
What is a Group Activity.
I believe in social learning theory. I encourage students to make choices, work collaboratively with peers, and to discuss their ideas. How might I arrange my student tables/desks?
What are small groups or clusters.
Which operational definition does not match the expectation of "Be Safe" 1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 2. Walk 3. Use quiet voices.
What is use quiet voices.
The teacher says, "Thank Janika for raising your hand." Is this a an example of an antecedent, behavior or consequence?
What is a consequence.
According to Knoster classroom behavior is functionally related to ______.
What is the teaching environment.
This is an example of which MM component? Good morning class! Today is Thursday September 25, 2014. We will go to PE today to see Coach Dart. We will also continue working on our book club investigations. Remember we just need two more compliments until we earn an extra 10 minutes of recess! How can you help us earn a class compliment? Love, Miss Shannon
What is News and Announcements.
A good place to locate the classroom rules would be ___________, because _____________.
What is low on the wall in the children's line of sight and near the primary instructional area for easy reference.
How would you edit this operational definition? "Line up when called and don't push."
What is cross out "don't push" because expectations and their definitions should be stated positively. You might say: "Line up when called." "Hands at sides."
The three term contingency includes antecedent, behavior, _____________.
What is consequence.
Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, and Sugai (2008) list 5 evidence-based classroom management practices. Name atleast three.
What are: 1. Maximize Structure 2. Post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations. 3.Actively engage students in measureable way 4. Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior. 5. Establish a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior.
What does C.A.R.E.S stand for?
What are Cooperation, Assertion, Respect, Empathy and Self-Control.
Everston and Emmer (2013) describe the five keys to good room (i.e., classroom) arrangement. What are they?
What are: 1. Room arrangement consistent with your instructional goals. 2. Keep high-traffic areas free of congestion. 3. Be sure students can be seen by the teacher. 4. Keep frequently used materials accessible. 5. Be sure children can easily see the board and displays.
Name two ways to define the expectation "Be Respectful" at the carpet for Kindergarten students.
The following are examples of possible operational definitions: 1. Eyes on speaker. 2. Raise hand to speak. 3. Speak when called on. 4. Hands and feet to self. 5. Listening ears.
A belief that development comes from a combination of innate and outer forces is ____________.
What is nurture
You should post, _________, review, monitor, and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations.
What is teach.
I believe in Social Constructivism. Should I arrange my desks in rows or clusters.
What are clusters.
Ms. Kelly said, "Boys stop squeaking your wet shoes on the tile." What would you say instead? If your school expectations were Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Friend.
What is "Boys remember we're respectful in the hallway we use quiet feet."
An action which is observable and measurable and has a distinct onset and offset.
What is a behavior.
An event that occurs prior to a behavior which occasions that behavior. For example, I put math manipulatives on the table and children touch them.
What is an antecedent.