This phrasal verb means to survive with a small quantity of something
Get by
When I started my career I ___ to wear a tie every day. No I hardly ever wear one.
When I started my career I ___ to wear a tie every day. No I hardly ever wear one.
bread and butter
main economic activity or source of income
"I have a dream..."
Martin Luther King
How many countries are there in the UK? Name them.
4: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales
This phrasal verb means to disappoint
let down
I can't find my wallet. I might ___ left it at home.
I can't find my wallet. I might have left it at home.
penny pincher
a person who is very careful with money
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them, I have others."
Groucho Marx
Who is missing: Sanchez, Rajoy, Zapatero, ___, Gonzalez...
This phrasal verb means to contribute to something
chip in
I need to ___ my hair cut before I meet the new client.
I need to get/have my hair cut before I meet the new client.
foot the bill
pay for something, especially something you don't use yourself
"Ich bin ein Berliner."
Which is the odd one out: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden?
The others are non-Eurozone EU countries
This phrasal verb means to abolish a law or rule
Do away with
Would you mind telling me ___ you have met the new CEO?
Would you mind telling me if you have met the new CEO?
what idiom means to illegally pay money for favours?
____ someone's ____
grease someone's palm
"There is no society. There is individual men and women and there are families."
Margaret Thathcer
What links Arthur Miller and Joe DiMaggio?
Marilyn Monroe
This phrasal verb means to make something (e.g. a government policy) weaker.
water down
Not until I have finished the report ___ I have time to check my emails.
Not until I have finished the report will I have time to check my emails.
what idiom refers to a source of money saved for the future?
nest egg
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes
Oscar Wilde
7 of the 10 best-selling novels of all time (in the English language) are by the same author. Who?
JK Rowling