"Turning Ten"
"Turning Ten 2"
"Where the Sidewalk Ends"
"Where the Sidewalk Ends 2"
Active Reading Strategies

What type of poem is “On Turning Ten”?

  free verse 



“On Turning Ten” is a free verse poem


Which words from the poem “On Turning Ten” best represent the speaker’s mood about his birthday?

a)  The whole idea of it makes me feel / like I’m coming down with something, / something worse than any stomach ache

b)  the perfect simplicity of being one / and the beautiful complexity introduced by two 

c)  It seems only yesterday I used to believe / there was nothing under my skin but light. 

d)  I could make myself invisible / by drinking a glass of milk in a certain way. 

In “On Turning Ten” the speaker compares getting older to coming down with an illness.

a)  The whole idea of it makes me feel / like I’m coming down with something, / something worse than any stomach ache  


What type of poem is “Where the Sidewalk Ends”? 


  free verse 


“Where the Sidewalk Ends” is a lyric poem. It has a strong rhythm and rhyme.


In “Where the Sidewalk Ends,” who is the speaker most likely talking to when he says, “Let us leave this place…”?

  us, the readers and listeners

  the moon-bird 

  the children 

  his boss 

 us, the readers and listeners


What is the main difference between Harry Potter and the Dursleys?

  He is magical, and they are not.

  They have a pet owl, and he has a pet snake. 

  He is old and they are young. 

  He is impatient and they are peaceful. 

He is magical, and they are not.


How many stanzas does “On Turning Ten” contain?






  “On Turning Ten” has 5 stanzas. Stanzas are similar to paragraphs in a story. You can count the stanzas by noticing the way lines are grouped together.  


Which of the following lines from “On Turning Ten” best represents the sensory language of touch?

a)  But now when I fall upon the sidewalks of life, / I skin my knees. I bleed. 

b)  But now I am mostly at the window / watching the late afternoon light. 

c)  You tell me it’s too early to be looking back, but that is because you have forgotten 

d)  Back then [the light] never fell so solemnly / against the side of my tree house 

In “On Turning Ten” the speaker explains that with his imagination, he would shine light if he were cut. Now, if he skins his knees, he’ll bleed like anyone else. He uses sensory language of touch to explain how painful letting go of childhood


How many lines are in “Where the Sidewalk Ends?”





“Where the Sidewalk Ends” has 16 lines. A line can be a word, phrase, or complete sentence.


What two kinds of sensory language best describes this line from “Where the Sidewalk Ends”?

“...to cool in the peppermint wind.”

  smell and touch 

  smell and sight 

  sight and sound 

  touch and sound 

If the wind was peppermint, you would both smell it in the air and feel it as it rushed by you.


Which of the following statements shows the Active Reading Strategy of connection?

  I had a much happier twelfth birthday than Harry did. 

  I find Mr. and Mrs. Dursley to be intolerable yet funny. 

  I am surprised that Dudley doesn’t try to become friends with Harry to learn magic. 

  I think that Harry will escape the Dursley’s house by the end of the story. 

You use the Active Reading Strategy of connection when you compare your life to something in literature.


In the poem “On Turning Ten,” who is the speaker in the poem?

a)  a child who is about to turn 10 years old 

b) an adult looking back on his 10th birthday 

c) a bicycle about to be given as a birthday present 

d) a neighbor watching the children next door celebrating a birthday 

In “On Turning Ten” the speaker is a child who is going to turn 10.


According to the speaker in “Where the Sidewalk Ends,” who knows what is at the end of the sidewalk?

  the children 

  the street 

  the smoke 

  the asphalt flowers 

In “Where the Sidewalk Ends” the speaker says, “for the children, they mark, and the children, they know, / the place where the sidewalk ends.”


Which of the following two words rhyme in “Where the Sidewalk Ends”?

  white and bright

  before and begins 

  grass and grows 

  we’ll and walk 

white and bright


Which of the following statements shows the Active Reading Strategy of prediction?

  I think that Harry will escape the Dursley’s house by the end of the story.

  I find Mr. and Mrs. Dursley to be intolerable yet funny. 

  I am surprised that Dudley doesn’t try to become friends with Harry to learn magic. 

  I had a much happier twelfth birthday than Harry did. 

 I think that Harry will escape the Dursley’s house by the end of the story.


Why does the speaker think his birthday is “the beginning of sadness”? 

a) He’ll miss being able to imagine things as he did when he was younger. 

b) He won’t be able to ride his bike any more. 

c)  He thinks he will get a lot of injuries, like skinned knees. 

d)  His parents told him life will be harder once he turns ten. 

In “On Turning Ten” the speaker lists the things he could imagine when he was younger. He thinks that when he turns 10, he will lose the ability to pretend.


In “Where the Sidewalk Ends” what is one difference between “this place” and “where the sidewalk ends”?

  “This place” is dark, and “where the sidewalk ends” is bright. 

  “This place” is safe, and “where the sidewalk ends” is scary. 

  “This place” is sunny, and “where the sidewalk ends” is shadowy. 

  “This place” is slow, and “where the sidewalk ends” is fast. 

The first stanza of “Where the Sidewalk Ends” mentions sunlight to describe the “place where the sidewalk ends.” On the other hand, the second stanza mentions black smoke, the dark street, and pits and asphalt to describe “this place.” The speaker is contrasting where he is now (reality) with where he’d like to go (imagination).


Which of the following Active Reading Strategies is used in this statement?

I felt really sorry for Harry when no one celebrated his birthday.







How does the speaker feel about turning 10?

  upset and sad

  angry and surprised 

  happy and excited 

 curious and eager 

  upset and sad


What does “the place where the sidewalk ends / and before the street begins” represent?

  childhood imagination 

  adult responsibilities 


  city life 

A reasonable interpretation for this poem is that the speaker longs to get caught up in his imagination, like children can.


Which of the following Active Reading Strategies is used in this statement?

Why do you think Harry behaves himself and doesn’t use magic around the Dursleys?




