This consists of the platoon head quarters, medical platoon treatment squad, ambulance/evacuation squad, and combat medic section
what is the medical platoon?
Medical functions in the health service support
what is treatment, evacuation, hospitalization, logistics, and command and control?
Ground evacuation from lower roles to higher roles of care, reconstitutes and reinforces ambulances from supported units are functions of this
what is the BSMC evacuation platoon?
First care a soldier receives through self/buddy aid or a combat life saver?
what is role 1 level care?
Force health protection falls under this war fighting function
what is protection?
Dental, laboratory, and radiology are found in this
What is the MCAS?
Hospitalization and veterinarians are not a part of this
what is the BSMC?
Patient transferred from one ambulance to another enroute to a medical treatment facility is this
Role of care provided by BSMC and MCAS
what is role 2 level care?
AHS principle defined as moving the patient through progressive, phased roles of care
Medical treatment squad, medical treatment squad (area), area support squad, and patient holding squad are squads in this
This is the care the MCAS patient holding squad can provide for
what is 40 patients for up to 72 hours?
this is provided on a direct support basis or an area support basis
what is medical evacuation support?
The role of care provided in a field hospital
what is role 3 medical care?
Leads in PLs absence and supervises the platoons administration, logistics, and maintenance functions
What is the medical PSG?
this requires a force to support another specific force and authorizes it to answer to the request
What is direct army support relationship?
to provide MEDEVAC within the theater of operations and is tactically located where it can best control its assets and execute its patient evacuation mission
what is the company ground ambulance mission?
the nature of operations, number and type of patients anticipated, evacuation means, and availability of in theater resources are this
Treatment squads are split into this
what are teams alpha and bravo
Army command relationship is a subordinate unit assigned to a parent unit and forming an essential part of a military organization as listed in its table of organization
Support given to a force as a whole is this
What is general army support relationship?
To provide ground ambulance, evacuation support from infantry and armored companies or from POI to CCP or the role 1 is this
This establishes the length of days of the maximum period of non-effectiveness that patients may be held
what is the theater evacuation policy?
BAS configuration with an extremely rapid set up and tear down but is restrictive in complicated injury treatment
What is tailgate medical support?
Responsible for all medical treatment provided by the platoon
who is the battalion surgeon?