Motor Learning
Locomotion Development
Physical Growth in Childhood
Body Composition & Fitness
Systems Growth

What is the first stage of Fitts & Posner’s model of motor learning?

Cognitive Stage


At what age do most children begin crawling?

Around 9 months


At what age is pelvic rotation in walking typically established?

By 13.8 months


What are the two types of tissue in body mass?

Lean tissue (muscle, bone, organs) and adipose tissue (fat)


What is the role of growth hormone in childhood?

It is necessary for normal growth, and deficiency can lead to growth abnormalities


Define motor skill capability.

A person’s potential for skilled motor performance under favorable conditions


What is the primary difference between creeping and crawling?

Crawling involves the infant’s chest and stomach touching the surface, while creeping involves only the hands and knees


What is the significance of synchronous arm swing in walking?

It indicates a more mature walking pattern, typically established by 18 months


What is considered a healthy BMI range for children?

18.5 – 24.9


How does insulin indirectly influence growth?

It is vital for carbohydrate metabolism and transportation of glucose and amino acids


In Bernstein’s model, what does the "freezing degrees of freedom" stage involve?

Locking joints that are not specifically used in producing a movement


What locomotor pattern usually develops last in children?



Explain the role of parents in preschool socialization.

Parents play a vital role in early childhood socialization, influencing whether children engage in activities


How does exercise affect body composition in children?

Exercise, particularly a combination of aerobic and strength training, helps reduce BMI and promotes muscle growth over fat


What is Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC)?

A non-progressive neuromuscular disorder occurring in the 1st trimester, causing fibrosis of muscle and joint structures


What type of feedback is considered more beneficial when acquiring a new motor skill?

Knowledge of performance (KP)


Describe a key characteristic of early running in preschoolers.

They usually have a wider base of support, flat foot landing, and a high-guard arm position


What is HAPPE, and how does it benefit preschool children?

High Autonomy Physical Play Environment, where children engage in tasks that match their skills, promoting self-management and decision-making


What is basal metabolic rate (BMR), and why is it important?

BMR is the amount of energy needed to sustain vital body functions; it plays a role in determining weight gain or loss


What factors contribute to brain growth after birth?

Increases in the size of neurons, synaptic connections, glial cells, and myelination of axons


Describe the final stage of motor learning in Bernstein’s model.

The learner maximizes movement using all degrees of freedom, with movements and timing perfected through long periods of practice


What changes occur in walking by the time a child is 4 years old?

Pelvic rotation is established, knee flexion at midsupport, synchronous arm swing, and heel-to-toe strike


How does choice reaction time differ from simple reaction time in children?

Choice reaction time involves selecting the appropriate motor response when presented with multiple stimuli, which takes longer due to central processes


How has childhood obesity changed from 1976 to 2016

Obesity in childhood has tripled during this period


How do gonadal hormones affect growth during childhood?

Androgens promote muscle mass growth and hasten epiphyseal growth plate closure, while estrogen promotes fat accumulation and also hastens growth plate closure