Velocity and Speed
Potential / Kinetic Energy
What type of friction involves liquids?
What is fluid friction?
When an object passes through the Earth's atmosphere name two forces that are acting on the object.
What are gravity and air resistance?
Speed is calculated using the following formula. S = d/t What does the d stand for? What is the t stand for?
What is distance and what is time?
When marble is not moving at the top of a track it is said to have __________ energy.
What is potential energy?
Define momentum. (p = mass x velocity)
What is the product of an object's mass and velocity?
When a box is pushed across the floor there is friction between the floor and box. This is an example of what type of friction?
What is sliding friction?
Friction is defined as _______________.
What is the action of one surface moving across the surface of another object?
S = d/t A bicyclist rides for 3 hours and goes a distance of 60 km. What is her speed in miles/hour? Speed equals distance divided by time.
What is 20 km/hour?
The energy of motion is called what type of energy?
What is kinetic energy?
When the mass of an object is 100 kg and the velocity is 20 m/s. What is the momentum? p = mv units are kg x m/s
What is 2000 kg x m/s?
The amount of matter in an object is known as the objects __________.
What is mass?
When forces are balanced there is __________ motion.
What is no or zero motion?
When you know the speed and direction of an object you know the objects _____________.
What is velocity?
Give the definition of potential energy?
What is stored energy?
What is happening to an object when the net forces acting on the object equal zero?
The object is not in motion.
When you have balanced forces acting on an object there is __________ motion.
What is no motion?
When forces are unbalanced there is _________. Word Bank: no motion, motion, acceleration, no friction
What is motion or acceleration?
The definition of velocity is speed with a _____________.
What is direction?
When a marble is moving down a track towards a loop it is said to have this type of energy. Word Bank: potential energy, kinetic energy, nuclear energy, electromagnetic energy
What is kinetic energy?
When there is motion between objects that are in contact with each other there is friction. Friction generates _______.
What is heat?
The SI unit for force is ________.
What is N for newtons?
There are two forces acting on a 2 kg box. One is 5 N and the other is 6N. Will the box move in the direction of the 5N force or the 6N force? Explain why?
What is in the direction of the 5N force. The greater force causes the box to move towards the lesser force.
S = d/t d = s x t John travels at 10 km/hour for 2 hours. What is the distance that he traveled?
What is 20 km?
When an object's potential energy decreases the object's acceleration is ________ and so it the object's _______ _________. Word Bank: decreasing, increasing, potential energy, kinetic energy, free fall, slowing down.
What increasing and the object's kinetic energy?
When a golf ball changes velocity and/or direction there is a change in ______________.
What is acceleration?