Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII

The fundamental underlying principle of which movement argued that the present generation, in making use of the resources of the country, should have in mind the needs of the generations that are to come.



What balloting system demand was meant to combat the weakness of interesting the average citizen and the concern over there sometimes being between 30-40 persons on the ballot at one time?

shorter ballot


In a sense, the ________ is complementary to the initiative and referendum in that it rounds out and completes popular control over all branches of state government.



It is difficult to get quality factory inspectors because ___________ ?

salaries are too small

inspectors don't know the laws/regulations


What is the cornerstone of the Progressive movement in American cities?

municipal home rule


Whenever a political party lacks an effective campaign issue, it seizes upon the high cost of living or the impoverished condition of workingmen, or the depression in business and manufacture, and attributes these phenomena to the ______________.



Which Oregon law states that “no sums of money shall be paid, and no expenses authorized or incurred by or on behalf of any candidate to be paid by him, except such as he may pay to the state for printing . . . in his campaign for nomination to any public office or position in this state, in excess of fifteen percent, of one year’s compensation or salary of the office for which he is a candidate; provided, that no candidate shall be restricted to less than one hundred dollars. . . . ”

Huntley Law


The ________ can be be defined as a governmental device by means of which a certain number of voters may by petition call an election at which there are presented for ratification or rejection certain specified laws or resolutions passed by the legislature.



Equally important with safeguarding factory employees against physical injury or death is their protection against preventable ________ .



In Missouri two cities qualified for home rule, St. Louis and ___________.

Kansas City


Which act put human care on the same relation as machine care and held that society in general should bare the responsibility of increased prices to care for the individual injured while working?

Employers' Liability Act


This act is usually known as a _____________, because originally in most cases it was designed to remove outright corruption and bribery; but in some states it has been so greatly developed that at present the removal of corruption is only an incidental feature.

corrupt practices act


What gives the people the power to veto any law passed by the legislature which the people believe is inimical to their best interests?



According to Chapter XII, which group is often protected in minimum wages laws and it is specified they have to be paid a living wage?

women and girls


The city that can determine the form or structure of its government has the most definite and tangible benefits of _____________ .

home rule


The national Progressive movement's third phases is to make the national government more responsive to the wishes of the ______and to control the great industrial corporations engaged in interstate commerce



Which primary law is considered NOT a defect in primary laws as outlined in your reading?

the British plan of preferential voting


What gives people the power to pass any law independently of the legislature?



Another measure for the prevention of social distress, according to Chapter XII, which has become a part of the progressive movement, is establishing a ____________.

minimum wage


The _____________ in city government is that running a city is like running a business and that the success of the one, as the success of the other, depends very largely on efficient and economical organization and methods.

efficiency movement


What has met every year since the first conference in 1908 to bring governors together to discuss uniformed state action?

House of Governors


The first of the measures proposed by the progressive movement to give to the people greater control over the nomination and election of candidates is a direct ________ law.



To give to the people a direct and adequate control over all branches of government between elections, the progressive movement advocates the initiative, the referendum, and the ________ .



What are the subsidies granted by the state so mothers and widows are enabled to care for and raise children too young to provide for themselves called?

widow's pension


According to Chapter XIII, it is literally true that the _________ is the hope of democracy.
