
The da capo aria takes a specific form, which often includes this section. 

What is ABA form and ritornello?


Bach completed 350 pieces of this genre, which follow this outline:
• Opening chorus, sometimes based on a chorale [hymn] tune and text
• Sequence of recitatives and arias
• Concluding four-part chorale harmonization [chorales are not composed by Bach] 

What is a cantata?


Corelli often composed in this genre for sacred settings featuring these components: four movements, slow-fast-slow-fast, exercises in pure polyphonic writing 

What is sonata da chiesa?


This genre, developed by Scarlatti, usually consisted of three acts and was based on stories taken from ancient history or mythology 

What is opera seria?


Bach's works are organized by a catalogue number starting with this acronym.

What is Bach-Werke-Verziechnis? (BWV)


This composer's musical "habit" utilises:

- reliance on I/V relationships
• use of circle of fifths progressions
• melodic and harmonic sequences
• chains of suspensions and resolutions
• use of varied textures that pit solo
instruments against each other in the
trio sonatas, or a group of soloists (the
concertino) against the orchestra (the
ripieno) in the concerti grossi

What is the Corelli Idiom?


The most admired castrato, Carlo Boschi, was a soprano and the subject of a 1994 biopic. He went by this stage name.

Who is Farinelli?


Bach belonged to and worked at which kind of church?

What is the Lutheran Church?


This form, used in the outer fast movements of a solo concerto, features varied restatements in different keys of a refrain, usually scored for the full ensemble, alternating with modulating episodes of freer thematic character, where the soloist predominates.

What is a ritornello?


This 1724 Handel opera features Cleopatra as a character and 44 musical numbers

What is Giulio Cesare in Egitto?


Johann Ambrosius Bach, J.S. Bach's father, held this position in Eisenach.

What is a court trumpeter?


Vivaldi worked at this orphanage for girls, giving them musical instruction.

What is the Pio Ospedale della Pieta`?


This aria from Giulio Cesare is sung by Cleopatra to Cesare, in order to seduce him and usurp her brother Tolomeo.

What is "V'adoro, pupille"?


The most famous portrait of Bach was painted in Leipzig in 1746 by this painter. 

Who is Elias Gottlaub Haussman?


Antonio Stradivari built his famous stringed instruments in this city.

What is Cremona, Italy?