Make sure you ______ your bedroom before you go out to play
Amy ________ do her homework before she can go outside to play.
Can ______ help me with my homework?
Mohamed: Hey Inas, _______ please borrow your pen?
Inas: Sure, Mohamed. I'm happy to help a friend!
can I/could I
Ziad: Hey teacher, _____ I use the bathroom.
Teacher: Sure, but please wait one minute while I collect the homework first.
When you wake up in the morning, you need to_____
make your bed
I _______ cook meals at my house, but I like to do it.
don't have to
Sara: Hey teacher, ______ take a tissue?
Teacher: _______ Sara, you don't need to ask! Just take what you need.
Sara: Thank you, teacher.
may, of course
Rana's mom: You don't have to _______ the trash, because your dad already did it.
Rana: Awesome! Thanks dad!
take out
Mom: Did you _____ the dishes?
Me: Yeah, I put them in the dishwasher, so they should be clean now.
Mom: Okay, then can you please _____ it?
do, unload
I _______ wake up early on weekends, but I usually do anyway.
don't have to
I'm so bored, there's ______ to do!
Random Creepy Guy: Hey beautiful, _____ I have your phone number?
Woman: ____. Go away!
Ziad: Yeah, there's a mosque across the street!
Tourist: Thanks so much!
Could you turn on the stove so I can _______?
Cook the meal
Younes:____ I______ eat my dinner before I can have dessert?
Younes's mom: Yes, you _____
Younes: :(
Do I have to, you have to
Mariam: Hey Yahya, I'm bored. Let's go ______
Yahya: That sounds good! Where should we go?
Mariam: Maybe the movies?
Yahya: The movies sounds fun! Should we ask if _______ else wants to go with us?
Yahya: Yeah, good idea! I bet Ilyas and Kenza want to go to. They have _____ else to do today.
Somewhere, anybody, nothing
Roumayssae: Hey Oussama, ____I borrow your eraser?
Oussama: ____ you can! Here, I have an extra, so you can keep it!
Roumayssae: Awesome, thank you so much!
Oussama: It's no problem. Do you need anything else?
Roumayssae: Actually, ____ I also borrow a drawing circle?
Oussama: Oh, _____, I actually don't have one! Let's ask Anas
Of course
Has ______ in this class been to Rabat?
Set the table
Farah: I know, but you _____, or else you'll get a bad grade.
Fatima Zahrae: __________ get a good grade in English? What's the big deal if I don't?
Farah: Your mom will be really mad at you, and she might bonk you with her slipper.
Fatimah Zahrae: Oh darn, you're right! I definitely _______ get a good grade in English!
Have to, Do I have to, have to
Youssef: I am sad! The English test is tomorrow, and _____ wants to study with me!
Kenza: Well, I'll study with you.
Youssef: That's great! Let's help each other study. Is there _____ that you're having trouble with?
Kenza: No, I think I know most of it. Well, I guess there is ______ I need help with. Will you quiz me on the vocabulary words, so that I can make sure I know them all?
Youssef: Sure! Hand me your flashcards, and I'll quiz you.
Kenza: Thanks, Youssef! After we do that, I'll help you with whatever you need help with, and then maybe we should go ________ to get some lunch!
Youssef: Good idea! Studying makes me hungry!
nobody, anything, something, somewhere
Younes: Hey Yahya, _____ I borrow your pen?
Yahya: ______, but ______. I need it for the quiz.
Younes: Okay, no problem! Hey teacher, ______ I borrow a pen?
Sorry, but no.
There's a famous song from when I was your age that is called "______ that I used to know." It's about a breakup