This Country
Famous Architects
Greek Myth

Fagan Commission convened after World War II to examine its most central political issue. An early prime minister of this country was Jan [yahn] Smuts, who served as a military commander in this country’s war against Great Britain under the leadership of Paul Kruger. The Group Areas Act in this country deemed areas like Transkei and KwaZulu as Bantustans. The Spear of the Nation was the armed faction of a political group in this country, the African National Congress. For 10 points, Nelson Mandela fought Apartheid in what African country?

South Africa


This thinker thought that the Weltgeist [VELT-guyst], or spirit of the world, was revealed through man’s work in art, religion, and philosophy.
 What early 19th-century German philosopher wrote The Phenomenology of Spirit?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


The Pavillon de Flore of this building was redesigned by Hector Lefuel in the 1860s after this building underwent a devastating fire. It was Lefuel who moved Carpeaux’s sculpture The Triumph of Flora to this building’s South Facade; he also designed this building’s Daru Staircase, at the top of which stands the Nike of Samothrace. The Napoleon Courtyard of this building now features a large structure completed in 1989 that serves as the main public entrance into this museum. For 10 points, I.M. Pei’s large glass pyramid was built as an addition to what major art museum complex in Paris?

Louvre Museum


This god turned Smyrna into a myrrh tree just at the moment Smyrna’s father Cinyras was cutting her in two; the child Adonis came forth from the cleft Smyrna, and this deity hid him in a box that she gave to Persephone for safe-keeping. When this deity was a child, Zeus gave her all the mountains of the world as a gift. When Oeneus [EE-nee-uhs] of Calydon forgot to dedicate the first harvest fruits to this goddess, she sent a giant boar to ravage his lands. This goddess set his own stags on the hunter Actaeon after he saw her bathing. For 10 points, what sister of Apollo was the virginal Greek goddess of the hunt.



. Kim Jong Un's half brother was killed by a nerve agent that contains an atom of this element double bonded to oxygen and single bonded to sulfur, oxygen, and carbon. Alfred Redfield discovered that the ratio of carbon to nitrogen to this element is 106:16:1 in phytoplankton. The middle number on fertilizer labels indicates the amount of this element, which the alchemist Hennig Brand discovered while trying to turn urine into gold. This element's red and white allotropes have both been used in matches. For 10 points, name this element that is bonded to oxygen in a phosphate ion.



The desire of peoples with ethnicity related to this modern country to have their lands incorporated into this country is called enosis. Enosis is especially desired by those who live on the south and west of an island where their population is divided by the Green Line from a different ethnic population. This country gained independence with the Treaty of Constantinople under the governance of Ioannis Kapodistrias. For 10 points, what modern country separated from the Ottoman Empire and set its capital at Athens?



In one story by this author, the middle-aged Mrs. Otis tries to give indigestion to the title apparition, a former nobleman. A play by this author of “The Canterville Ghost” sees the American Puritan Hester Worsley “adopt” a former lover of Lord Illingworth as her mother. To avoid social obligations, the invalid friend Bunbury is created by Algernon in a play by this man. The title character of a novel by this man rejects the actress Sibyl after a performance of Romeo and Juliet, and is later told by Lord Henry Wotton that she has committed suicide. Name this Irish author of The Importance of Being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde


The oldest existing part of this structure was built in 1097, and its White Chamber was originally the site of the Court of Requests, where the poor aired grievances. A common target during the Blitz, a statue of Richard the Lionhearted at this location was damaged by bombing in World War II. At the time of its completion, its Victoria Tower was the largest non-church-related structure in the world. In 1605, Guy Fawkes and a group of conspiratorial Catholics plotted to destroy this building with gunpowder. Big Ben sits atop Elizabeth Tower on. What building on the Thames where Britain convenes its legislature.

Westminster Palace [or Palace of Westminster or Houses of Parliament]


There were two or three of these creatures, depending on the story, named Aello, Ocypete, and Caelano. What human faced bird creatures were tasked with bringing evil souls to the Furies for punishment and generally doing bad stuff?



This character kills a man who wants to return to Glee Anselm and learn to play the valachord. This native of the planet Corellia was given his last name by a naval recruiting officer. Enfys Nest gives this character one vial of the hyperfuel coaxium. This character brags about making the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs and wins a ship in a card game called sabacc [sah-BAWK] by preventing Lando Calrissian from cheating. For 10 points, name this character who was played by Alden Ehrenreich in a 2018 movie and who flies the Millenium Falcon with Chewbacca.

Hon Solo


One of these locations called Huacachina [waka-cheena] in Peru is featured on that country’s 50 Nueva Sol note. Perhaps the largest of these locations, Tafilalt, in Morocco, is known for its date production and straddles the Ziz River. One of these places called En Gedi in Israel is a tourist destination in the Negev. One of the most famous of these places was home to the Oracle of Amun and provided a place of respite for travelers through the Sahara. What are these fertile areas with a water source inside larger deserts?

oasis or oases


A fictional play with this noun in the title appears in the stories “The Repairer of Reputations” and “The Mask” by Robert W. Chambers, and that play with this noun in it also names his most famous collection referring to this thing “in Yellow”. A novel about Illinois state tax auditors by David Foster Wallace is titled “The Pale” this. A novel with this singular possessive noun in the title is about the rise of the populist governor. Willie Stark in the 1930s is by Robert Penn Warren. what regal name is also the surname of the popular author of The Shining and Carrie

Stephen King or King


Calais and Zetes were some of the Argonauts, who were led by this Greek hero.



In October, 2018, a work by this artist was mostly destroyed at the moment the gavel dropped on its auction sale. What British street artist and political provocateur is the subject of the documentary Exit through the Gift Shop?



. In this country, a Financial Center resembles a bottle opener and the world’s second tallest building has a twist of 120 degrees. An arts center in this country designed by Paul Andreu is an ellipsoid dome made of titanium that is surrounded by an artificial lake. In this country, a skyscraper was designed to resemble an ancient wine vessel called a zun, and the Gate to the East resembles a pair of pants. A stadium in this country called the Bird’s Nest was used during the 2008 Summer Olympics. Name this Asian country home to the Shanghai Tower.



Identify these philosophers who wrote about Christianity. Karl Marx wrote a set of Theses on this philosopher, who described the “true or anthropological essence of religion " In the essence of christiananity "

Ludwig Feuerbach


When Lykaios is added to this god’s name, it refers to an aspect of him worshiped on the slopes of Mount Lykaion in cannibalism and werewolf transformation involving rituals. This father of Manes with Gaia had a namesake oracle at Dodona. This god made the plan to wipe out all of mankind with a huge flood except for Deucalion and Pyrrah. This father of Ares and Hephaestus had many sexual partners including Semele, Io, and Leda, who he raped in the form of a swan, fathering Helen of Troy. This Olympian avoided being eaten by his father Cronus and later made him regurgitate his older siblings including his wife Hera. Name this Greek “king of the gods” who wielded thunderbolt



When civil rights activist Violet Luzzo was murdered by KKK members in 1965, employees of this organization spread rumors that she was a heroin addict and communist. Foxstone Park near Fairfax, Virginia, was a drop point for an employee of this organization who left sensitive information for Russian agents; that member of this organization was convicted of espionage and is named Robert Hanssen. Covert and illegal surveillance of US citizens, including Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights activists was conducted by COINTELPRO, run by this organization. What organization was led at its inception by J. Edgar Hoover and more recently by James Comey?



After the KMT was defeated by the Communist Party of China, it retreated to this island and became its ruling party. This island was formerly called Formosa, and its capital is Taipei.  



This thinker outlined his sinful youth and conversion from Manichaeism in Confessions. He argued that Christianity was not responsible for the fall of Rome in City of God

Saint Augustine of hippo


One figure in this myth system was guarded by two vipers that grew out of his shoulders that would grow back if they were cut off. That figure, Zahhak, was defeated by Kaveh the Blacksmith who led an uprising against him. A great bird that was so old that it had seen the destruction of the world three times in this myth system was called Simorgh. The most famous hero of this myth system fought a mournful duel with his son Sohrab and made a legendary expedition to Mazandaran. The Shahnameh tells the story of Rostom in, for what myth system that shares many similarities with Zoroastrianism?

Persian Mythology


. After a communist regime collapse, this nation’s namesake diaspora saw nearly a third its population emigrate across Europe.Name this Balkan nation once ruled by King Zog I, who was forced to flee after after an Italian invasion prior to World War II. 
